Follows with another amazing Journey Entitled...
"To Death Us Do Part?"
"With All My Love"
Written on May 16th, 2019
By Richard E. Smrkovsky
Copyright C. Fanstory 2019
'All Rights Reserved'
"With all my love, I now write to Thee.
"My youngest of Daughter...
"For I know you shall see...
"I so now right to Thee...
"For I so now know that You...
"So much care for Me...
"As I now so much want You...
"To know how much I Care and Love for You...
"I so remember that Day...
"In September when You...
"Were in distress and God...
"Almost took you Away...
"But something deep Inside...
"Told me No...
"And, I got you Back...
"And, that was almost thirty four l years ago...
"Yes, a day I seem to remember so...
"And, a day I Shall...
"Never forget because...
"I Love You *So"
Appropriate Word Count: 141.
Author Notes
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ."
"Fanstory and Tom the Administrator."
"Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Talented Writer, Dr.Ricky1024."
"And, his Beautiful Pastel...
"Just Dana Alyse"
adv. in detail, degree, partial description.
"On September 30th, 1985 around 6:00 night...
"My wife Carolyn Ann Smrkovsky's water broke...
"And, she was about to deliver our last five children...
"Dana Alyse...
"After quick ride up the Garden State Parkway, we arrived at Community Memorial Hospital in Tom's River ."
"And, of course she was almost already fully dilated and always delivered naturally...
"But there was a big problem?"
"After being hooked up to the monitor...
(Which was external)
"I noticed the in vitro-fetus's...
"Heartbeat going backwards?"
"And, since this was our fifth and my third to observe...
"I knew it should be between 140 and 160 beats in a minute."
"As it got down to about a hundred...
"I mentioned it to Carolyn and she said that the babies probably turning?,
"And, as I watched it go a little further...
"I had a gut feeling that something was wrong!"
"And, little did I know at that moment that the baby was in distress...
"With each and every contraction...
"The cord wrapped around her neck twice...
"Was strangling her...
I demanded something to be done...
"And, the Head Nurse put an...
(Internal Monitor)
"And, prepared us for A C-Section."
"A Philippine Doctor removed the Cord and Dana was delivered naturally...
"Today I have a Beautiful grange child named Alexander Herbert's Valle."
"He is ten...
"And, today?"
"Dana Alyse Smrkovsky is 34 years old and will be 35 September 30th 2019.
Thank God!"
Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky
December 6th, 1952~
November 26th, 2002.
"Rest in Peace Little Momma...
"I got this....