The way to love, the chosen path we choose.
No walls, no chains, can hold our soul and heart.
The snares lay bare as we express our views
'tis then we die when tongue tears us apart.
The smile of life is locked within your soul.
When threads are broken love becomes just tears
And worms will welcome you within their hole,
A ghost that's gone because of lustful leers.
But choice is light in golden words we say
And love in life those words, for me, ring true.
I see your look of wonder fill this day
And feel a kiss that's tender through and through.
I trust my love and chose the path of life
And hold my tongue, in cheek, when with my wife.
Author Notes
It is hard to write a Shakespearean sonnet. I don't know if this qualifies, but it sends a message and a smile. :) I hope you enjoy what I say. All I can say is that I try.
Thank you Moon Willow for your golden Angel.