"Are you afraid of dogs that you don't know?"
"Most people are, and they let it show."
"Is it true that dogs are man's best friends?"
"Well...that all depends."
"If you think this...you're thinking right."
"So if you see a dog that doesn't know you,
Better for you that this you do."
"Steer clear of the range in which the dog can chew."
"Sometimes you can read a dog by watching the tail."
"This is not foolproof...it's subject to fail."
"If the tail gets stiff, and pumps up and down."
"The dog's not friendly...don't hang around."
"If the tail wags from side to side,
That's a sign that it's friendly, but safe if it's tied."
"If it tucks it's tail between it's legs,
"The dog is timid, for mercy it begs."
"If you have a dog, for your pet,
You have on your side, your best friend yet."