Strong Intelligence,
Life's Magic and Mysteries,
Destiny is Yours!
Writing Prompt |
Write a 5-7-5 Poem. It has three lines. The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables again. The subject is a witty animal poem. No other rules apply. |
Author Notes
Strong Intelligence
Life's Magic and Mysteries
Destiny is Yours
Combined from the listed below;
Beyonds Harbinger,
Keeper of the Sacred Law,
Guides Souls Afterlife.
Time for second sight,
Life's magic and mysteries,
Leave past behind you.
Strong Intelligence,
With Room For Flexibility,
Destiny Is Yours.
Witty is Defined by on line search a word as;
Showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor
Crow info;
Article Crows Are More Intelligent than you Think
By Anne Marie Helmenstine Ph.D. -
Intelligence a Crow is as Smart as a 7 yr. Old Child
Professor John Marzluff,
University of Washington Aviation Conservation Lab - Performed Experiments where Crows only dive bombed and scolded people wearing different masks that messed with them.
Crow is essential a flying Monkey.
Witty Animal Contest 5-7-5
By; George Martinez