Walked out my house I thought and then Looked Towards the Sky,
then looked at my feet to not trip on to my spinning head!,
Thunderous Clouds of every color hidden behind sun Light did also Testify!,
The Dark clouds in the shadows of Truth's Righteousness still aren't really Dead!,
New Storms of various themes and colors will again flyby!
As for me I'm still asking for Forgiveness for Sins that I Do Till I Die!
So I today walk and talk thinking face to the sky!,
Saying Prayers of Forgivenes, Remembrances and Hope for our Families,
If anyone of you have brainy glasses you may also know why!
Lightning flashes of like weather and timeless memories when we've been not quite at ease?
Thoughts of life's tried light and Dark cloudy solutions soon go past flying, Bye!,
You Think, Think, Think then Feel it Again, Oh My God Your Will Please!
You quickly rid thoughts from Mind with Their Catastrophic Scenes,
Cloudy Hues of purples, blues, reds, yellows, and even greens, Indigo!
What does our weather's cloud watering Changes from the greenest pastures to the driest Ranges Truely Mean?
See the Sun through the Mist you've long resisted and then we can know,
Memories formed from Timeless Emotional Clouds prepare in Coloring the Storm it Brings.
Thunder and Lightning then strikes leaving its Marks on your Soul!
So Clap your hands with a Thunderous Boldness!
Let your Face show some of that Lightning!
It will Break any developing Storms Coldness!
And the People's Lives You Are Brightening!
With Hearts shining with Goldness!
The World then would be a lot Less Frightening!
Author Notes
Every capitalized word Across and Down, Creates Rain In The Sky 2;
Rain In The Sky 2
Walked Looked Toward Sky
Thunderous Clouds Light Testify
The Darks Truth's Righteousness Dead
New Storms As I'm Forgiveness Sins
I Do Till I Die
So I Saying Prayers
Forgiveness Remembrance Hope Families
If Lightning Thoughts Dark Bye
You Think Think Think Feel Again
Oh My God Your Will Please
You Mind Their Catastrophic Scenes
Cloudy Hues Indigo
What Changes Ranges Truly Means
See Sun Mist Memories
Timeless Emotional Clouds Coloring
Storm Brings
Thunder Lightening Marks Soul
So Clap Thunderous Boldness
Let Face Lightening
It Break Storms Coldness
And People's Lives You Are Brightening
With Hearts Goldness
The World Less Frightening
A 2 for Tuesday Contest Idea.