So, my buddy said, “Let’s go fishing!”
And I said, “Heck no. I’d just be bored.”
See, my buddy’s a true fisherman,
Endlessly bragging of fish he has scored!
Me, I just don’t fish, it’s simply time
Spent doing too much of nothing all day,
When there’s cleaned fish at the market,
Or even fried at the fish take-away.
He said, “It’s really relaxing to fish!”
Really? I can relax with a beer and a chair
At home on my screen porch with a
TV - no bugs, bees or snakes ever there.
O.K., so on a really great fishing day,
Proud fishermen return with fish tales;
Of how they managed to clean out the lake
Then, must cut off the heads and clean scales.
“So, no thank you”, sez I, “You can go fish,
I’ll be most happy to sit here and wait…
But hold it! Seems my wife is here, too,
Just let me get my pole and my bait!”
Writing Prompt |
Write a rhymed story poem in 'no less' than four quatrains. Subject optional. |
Author Notes
Sometimes its a deal you can't refuse...