Author Notes
Read aloud in a 'sing-songy' manner just like as if you were learning it in Kindergarten or thereabouts. There is minimal to no punctuation on purpose. Giving 'ownership' to each number for its step seemed to help in their memory. :)
Raising three boys with very short attention spans (no, I did not and do not believe in behavior-altering drugs for an immature brain!), we came up with little 'sing-songs' of simple steps to help keep them on task. This is very close to our morning routine chant/checklist - had to be sure to add the 'check the printer' since they tended to print out their homework but forget to put it in the backpack. And, yes, they each set a timer for breakfast since that's where they tended to 'get lost'. :) ;)
Routine is EVERYTHING for little boys! I apologize to moms of girls - there's no allowance in here for make-up and bad hair days - LOL! But it should work for everyone at least up to middle school/junior high. Oh, and a secret? They still use some of them, just not out loud! And, yeah, I use abbreviated versions of these kinds of things in the classroom, too. :)
Thank you for reading - feel free to use with your own kiddos!
Image of 'jumping cartoon boy holding backpack' from 123RF []