- The Predator by Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level
Once was not enough.
The Predator by Sally Law
100 Word Writing Contest contest entry


The first time I saw the Perv, I was eleven, walking from school with my sister. It was raining hard.

He offered us a ride; I said no. He offered, again. I leaned towards his car, "you hard of hearing?"

The second time I saw the Perv was fifteen years later. I was dressed for undercover. He frequented the same neighborhoods. His presence, revolting.

I looked just like a high school student.

"Need a ride, pretty girl?"

I pulled out my gun. "Yep, to police headquarters!"


Author Notes
Too many of these predators in real life, and not just predators of young girls, but young boys, too. This is based on a true story.

Thank you eileen0204 of FanArt for the superb photo.


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