- Seeking Justiceby scongrove
This work has reached the exceptional level
Sins of Chaos/A Novel of the Breedline series
Sins of Chaos
: Seeking Justice by scongrove

Previously . . .

When widespread reports of gruesome attacks on homeless victims, and local residents sweep across Berkeley California and the San Francisco Bay area, two local human detectives are desperate to catch whoever is responsible for the disturbing and heinous crimes.

When they question Zeke Rizzo—who is a Breedline, born with the curse of a sin-eater, and owner of the Cat Club—about a woman they’d found brutally murdered near his bar, one of Zeke’s bouncers recognizes the victim after Detective Perkins shares her photo from social media. He also confirms the victim left the bar around midnight with a guy that oddly resembled the famous actor, Jason Momoa. 

Before the detectives leave, Zeke gives them a copy of the bar’s video surveillance, hoping it would help with their investigation.

As the detectives exit the club, Zeke found himself confronted by a beautiful woman he’d saw earlier hanging out in the VIP section with an older gentleman. After introducing herself as Callisto and that she was every man’s dream, she asked him to spend the night with her. Zeke refused her proposition, but she was not the type to take no for an answer, and grabbed his arm. At the same time he realized she was not human and craved human blood, he got a glimpse into her past, using his sin-eater skills. What he saw nearly brought him to his knees. She’d been trapped alive for years in some kind of sarcophagus. At the same time Zeke questioned her about his vision, Callisto’s brother, Apollyon, interrupted their conversation and warned Zeke to keep his sister’s past to himself.

When the detectives find another body with the same MO, they contact Zeke before they head back to his bar for more questions. As they arrive, Zeke found himself caught off guard by Apollyon, who was furious after he found out Zeke spoke to the detectives and cut his throat just as his head of security, Yelena, and the detectives walked in, witnessing everything. Before Apollyon used his powers and disappeared, he took Yelena with him.
While the detectives question Zeke after he mysteriously heals, he refuses to answer their questions and leaves them clueless to what they’d just encountered.

As they report to another crime scene, they discover another suspect after reviewing the surveillance video. Their next step was to visit the owner of several popular bars in the area who happened to be Detectives Manuel Sanchez’s nephew, Nathan Gage, hoping he could help identify the suspects. When they arrive at the bar, and explain to the owner what they have discovered, asking him if he’d take a look at the video they retrieved from the crime scene, Nathan becomes worried. He knew something his Uncle Sanchez wasn’t aware of. Not only was Nathan a Breedline, he knew his uncle was born with the same genetics but it was kept a secret. Now, he was faced with a difficult decision. In order to keep his uncle safe, he would have to go against the Breedline law and tell him everything. 

Meanwhile, Anna is looking forward to a fun night out after Helen invited her to a bachelorette party at a popular club which happens to be the same bar the detectives are at. As she waits for Helen to find a table, Anna takes a seat at the crowded bar next to a gorgeous man named Apollyon. When they carry on a conversation, she becomes mysteriously drawn to him. When he asks her to skip the party and leave with him, they are approached by two strange men.

When they push themselves on Anna, she tells them she’s not interested. But they are not the type to take no for an answer, and become threatening to her. As they forcefully grab her arm, Apollyon’s anger boils out of control. In a heated fury, he punches the guy, nearly knocking his head completely off his body. Witnessing the horrific incident, the crowded bar erupts into chaos, and Apollyon vanishes into thin air. 

As Detective Sanchez and his partner take over the crime scene, they discover two witnesses by the victim, Dr. Helen Carrington and her friend Anna. While the detectives wait for backup, they ask Helen and Anna to stop by the police station to give a statement.  

Before the detectives leave the bar, Detective Manuel Sanchez surprisingly gets a call from Zeke Rizzo asking Manuel and his partner to meet him at his bar. With the permission of the Breedline council, they agree to bring both detectives to the Covenant to explain everything they know about the supernatural trio they are looking for, including everything about the Breedline.  

Continued . . .

Tim crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. The others stood back in the library, waiting for him to speak.

Downstairs in the basement, Valkin Steele and his men were in lockdown and heavily guarded. Corbin Azzo and Fredrick Mercier—both Breedline traitors—were placed in separate confinement waiting to face the council for their betrayal.

“I know our laws forbid us to reveal our species to humans, but as you already know,” Tim paused and looked between Jace and Jem, acknowledging the fact that their adoptive human parents were aware of the Breedline species, “sometimes, we are left with no choice in certain cases.” He cleared his throat. “And this is one of them.”

He looked at Tessa as she stepped forward to take over.

“As your queen, I am prepared to disclose our species to the detectives that will be arriving with Zeke Rizzo. They should be here any minute. It has come to our attention that Detective Manuel Sanchez was born half Breedline, but has no knowledge of his lineage. Although Detective Frank Perkins is a human, both of them have witnessed more than any person in their right mind could possibly process.” Her tone was edged with sympathy. “After discussing this with our council and taking in account all the risks involved, we have come to an agreement that’s in our best interest. We have decided to develop a partnership with them. Does anyone here disagree with our decision?” And then she added, “Remember, your voice matters.”

Tessa searched the room in anticipation for someone to speak out in protest. When everyone remained silent, she nodded and said, “So be it. The decision has been made.”

Voices coming from downstairs caught their attention.

They left the library and went downstairs in a group. As they stepped into the foyer, Bruce Carmichael stood in front of Zeke Rizzo, and Detective Manuel Sanchez and his partner, Detective Frank Perkins. Tim could feel their astonishment by the looks on their faces.

For a moment, Detective Sanchez was utterly immobilized, caught between wanting to scream and slap himself awake. After Zeke had explained to him and his partner about the Breedline species and that his father—who’d abandoned him at birth—had passed on the same bloodline, Manuel thought the whole situation was just a damn nightmare. But at least they finally had answers to all bizarre things that had been happening in the city, especially the vampire-like creatures they were after.  
He jumped as the door behind him abruptly opened and closed. When Manuel looked back, he was convinced that he was hallucinating. There were nine of the meanest, biggest bastards he’d ever seen.

Their stares made Manuel feel like a bug under glass or a slab of meat about to be carved up.

A big hand landed on his shoulder the size of a catcher’s mitt and leaned in. “Welcome to our abode, Detectives. My name is Drakon Hexus.”

Manuel and Frank looked up. The guy stood at least six-feet-seven with a black Mohawk and had some kind of marking—was that a tattoo on his neck?

Both detectives took a few steps back.

Frank dragged in some air. “T-thanks,” he stuttered his words.

Manuel nodded in complete silence.

Drakon formally introduced Lieutenant Colonel Deshazo and his Special Ops team, and Roman and his crew. 

Then, stunning, electric purple eyes caught Manuel’s attention. They had to be colored contacts, he thought. No one really had that color of eyes.

Major Wyckoff extended his hand out to Manuel. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Detective,” he said in a deep baritone. 

Manuel slightly hesitated before he took his hand. “Nice to meet you too,” he said to the guy with purple eyes. “I’m Detective Manuel Sanchez, and this is my partner, Detective Frank Perkins.” 

After Wyckoff shook hands with Detective Sanchez, he offered his giant palm to Detective Perkins.

The others clustered around and took turns greeting them.   

Manuel’s mouth flapped open as Helen and Anna came forward. Frank appeared just as surprised as his partner.

When Anna caught Zeke’s attention, he found it hard to take his eyes off her. He felt an odd, but familiar feeling stirring in his chest. He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent, so clean and fresh, with a slight hint of citrus. Opening his lids, he glanced over her body and realized he would kill any member of his sex who tried to touch her, be with her, or love her. His feelings for Yelena had betrayed him. But . . . why? And then one powerful word echoed in Zeke’s head. Beloved.

Anna shifted her focus on Zeke and stared into his electric blue eyes. Suddenly, she felt breathless in his presence and found that she couldn’t think, much less speak. Feeling the raw, somewhat alluring power of his body, she tried to catch her breath as the unfamiliar emotions constricted her chest.   

As Helen stepped forward to greet the detectives, her movement brought Anna back to reality.

“It’s good to see you again, Detective Sanchez,” Helen said with her hand extended. “Of course, considering the first time, the circumstances are much better.”

He shook her hand. “Yes, I agree, Dr. Carrington.”

“Please, call me Helen.”

“I-I don’t believe it,” Frank said, sounding tongue-tied. “Y-you’re one of them?”

Helen lightly chuckled. “Don’t look so shocked, Detective Perkins. Our kind is everywhere.”

Frank blew out his breath. “Unbelievable.”  

“I guess there’s no need for you and Ms. Saeni to stop by the station for further questioning,” Manuel said, crossing his arms. “It looks like we’re about to get more than what we bargained for.”
Tim cleared his throat. “Detectives, I’d like to introduce our queen, Tessa Chamberlain.”

Manuel watched as a petite woman stepped forward. Her face was delicate, and her eyes were the rarest color he’d ever seen. They had the intensity of the finest green gemstones.

Tessa extended her hand to Frank. “Hello, gentlemen,” she said softly. “Thank you for accepting our invitation. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” 
He didn’t move; he barely breathed. All Frank did was stare at her. This was unreal, he thought. And then his partner nudged his arm, bringing him back to focus.

Frank flinched. He let out a long breath as if all the oxygen in his body were being expelled and reached out with a trembling hand. He noticed that she wore a ruby ring on her left hand. “It’s my pleasure, Mrs. Chamberlain.”

“Please,” Tessa said, smiling at Frank. “Call me Tessa.”

As Tessa came forward with her hand outstretched to Manuel, he felt like he should bow. Instead, he offered her a lopsided grin and shook her hand. There was an awkward silence. Manuel looked away from Tessa to the two men standing next to her. They looked identical. Both had long blond hair and pale blue eyes.

One of them extended his hand. “I’m Jace,” he said in a raspy voice, “Tessa’s husband.”

Manuel looked back and forth between the two men, appearing confused like he’d just stepped into the Twilight Zone.

“Hello, Jace,” Manuel finally said, reaching for his hand. 

Jace put his hand on Jem’s shoulder and said, “This is my twin brother, Jem.”

“Gentlemen,” Jem said. He shook Manuel’s hand, and then extended it to Frank. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

Frank looked at Tessa and shrugged. “Is it true? Can you really shift into a . . . wolf?”

Tessa nodded and started talking, telling Frank and Manuel things they couldn’t believe.

When she fell silent, the detectives could only stare at her. Manuel’s instincts were telling him that she wasn’t lying. But it was all just too hard to accept.

Manuel shook his head, wishing he had a drink. “It’s so hard for me to comprehend all this.”

“I’m sure it is,” Tessa said. “Trust me, I know how you feel.” 
“Can you bite someone and turn them into a wolf?” Frank queried.

“It doesn’t work that way,” Jace chimed in. “You’re either born our kind, or you’re not.”

“You must be born an identical twin to be able to shift,” Jem told them. He turned to Tessa and winked. “For most of us, anyway,” he added.

Since Tessa and Steven were fraternal twins, the unexplainable reason why she could shift was still a mystery to them all. 

Manuel’s shoulders sagged. “So you’re telling me I’m not going to . . . turn?”

Tessa shook her head, and Manuel looked disappointed.

“What about the murders in the city?” Frank asked. “I mean . . . the ones responsible. What are they?” 

“They’re a combination of supernatural beings,” Tim said. “They were genetically engineered in Dr. Hans Autenburg’s lab years ago. Valkin Steele was funding the physician’s research.”

“The only thing I’m interested in,” Manuel spoke harshly, “is how we can destroy them.”  
Tessa sighed. “So far, we haven’t been able to solve that mystery. But we do know that we’re dealing with three creatures. Years ago, Dr. Autenburg placed three separate eggs from mixed species inside a succubus using his own DNA. They were born fraternal triplets, one male and two females and very powerful.”

“What type of species are you talking about?” Manuel asked, the cop in him coming out.

“Yeah,” Frank said. “And what’s a succubus?”

“A Breedline, an Adalwolf, a Wicca, and of course they inherited the succubus side from their mother. A succubus is like,” Tessa briefly hesitated, “a vampire, except they’re alive. They need blood from a Breedline to survive. Tim and Jem’s bonded mates are half-succubus.”

Frank’s eyes widened. Good god, he thought.

“It’s okay, Frank,” Tessa giggled. “They’re part of our family.”

He nodded and looked relieved.

“What about the other species?” Manuel questioned further. “I know what a Wicca is, but I’ve never heard of an Adalwolf.”

Tessa smiled. “An Adalwolf is a species that has the power to shift from their human form into a creature twice the size, resembling half man and half wolf. They are born with super-strength and can move from one place to another with supernatural speed. With the ability to regenerate their own cells, an Adalwolf will stop aging at thirty. My fraternal twin brother Steven is part Breedline and Adalwolf.” She turned toward Roman and said, “Mr. Roman Kincaid is also an Adalwolf.”

Manuel and Frank immediately turned to Roman, who said, “Don’t worry guys. I’m loyal to the Covenant.”

“As I was saying,” Tessa continued. “The male who Dr. Autenburg created is called Apollyon. He has the power of teleportation and the strength of ten men. The female named Electra has the power of conduction. She can transfer electrical currents from the inside of her body and use it as a weapon. The other female is called Callisto. She was born a shield with the ability to create an invisible barrier around her and other objects for protection. And According to Mr. Steele, the creatures are called the Fury.”  
Manuel’s brows furrowed. “Geez,” he said releasing a deep breath. Frickin’ vampires, he thought. “Why haven’t we heard from them before? If they need human blood to survive, where in the hell have they been all this time?”

“For years, they’ve been locked up in some kind of comatose,” Tessa explained. “Apparently Dr. Autenburg couldn’t control their behavior as they grew stronger. Their unruly defiance and unstoppable lust for human blood had to end, so the physician was left with no other choice.”  
“That explains a lot,” Frank said as he looked to Manuel. “Now we know why our guy looks like the prince of darkness. At least we know we’re not losing our minds.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Manuel grumbled. “Before this is over, I may lose my sanity yet.”

Jace wrapped his arm around Tessa and shook his head. “I won’t lie to you, Detective. Living in our world will make you a little crazy at times.”

“How the hell did Dr. Autenburg’s creatures manage to get free?” Zeke chimed into the conversation for the first time.

Tessa shrugged. “That’s the million-dollar question.”

“We do have one thing to go on,” Tim interjected. “One crucial piece of information that Steele shared on these particular creatures was a symbol. He said it has something to do with them awakening from their deep state of unconsciousness. And the symbol represents immortality.”  
“Wait a minute,” Zeke blurted. “This symbol you’re talking about, is it in the shape of a trefoil knot?”

“Yes.” Tessa nodded. “Why do you ask?”

“Because I’ve seen it before,” Zeke said. “I saw a ring on Apollyon’s finger with that particular symbol on it, and his sister Callisto had a pendant around her neck of the same thing.”

“That could be the answer,” Jem pointed out. “Maybe it’s got something to do with how they woke from their slumber.”

“There’s one way to find out,” Drakon said abruptly. 

“How in the hell are we supposed to do that?” Jace snorted. “We can’t just walk up to the guy and pluck it off his finger.”

“No, but I may know a way to remove Callisto’s necklace from her throat,” Zeke declared.

Jace arched a brow. “How?”  

“A few weeks ago, she cornered me at my bar and tried to get me to take her home,” Zeke told them, rubbing his face with his hand.

Jace smirked and batted his brows.

“I’m sure it wouldn’t be difficult for me to get her alone,” Zeke continued. “But I don’t know how I’m going to lure her back to the bar. I made it clear to her and her brother not to come back. I feel like I’m the cause of Yelena’s abduction.” He put his hands on his hips and stared at the floor as if disgusted with himself.

“Stop beating yourself up, Zeke,” Manuel said. “It’s not your fault.”

Frank stepped forward and offered him a sympathetic smile. “I swear, Mr. Rizzo, we’ll do everything we can to help get her back.”

“We could put on a show at one of Nate’s clubs,” Jem suggested, changing the subject. “It would bring in a lot of people.”

Zeke’s head snapped back up.

Jace grinned. “Yeah, it would be like ringing a dinner bell to an all-you-can-eat buffet.”

Tessa shot him a look that said without words that she disapproved of his statement.

Jace shrugged his shoulders and silently mouthed, Sorry.  

“That’s not a bad idea,” Tim said, with his eyes focused on Jem. “Nate’s big on advertising his entertainment. This could be our only way to draw the Fury’s attention. Since you’re going to be the main attraction, I’ll leave it up to you two to set this up with Nate.”

Jem nodded, and Jace said, “We’re on it.” 

“I want everyone to be ready,” Tim said. “This is going to end in battle. And it will be bloody.”

“I’m good with that,” Detective Perkins said evenly like they were talking about nothing more than showing up for a concert.

“Are you sure?” Tim asked. “No offense, but since you’re human, are you prepared to fight against supernatural beings?”

“Yes.” There was a long exhale. “My job is to protect the innocent. I’m going.”

The response was immediate from the others.

“I’m in,” said Casey.

“Sign me up,” Kyle chimed in.

Drakon arched a brow. “I’m ready.”

Respect rolled through Manuel’s chest as he and everyone else nodded in agreement. And then he looked between Jace and Jem. “So you two play at my nephew’s club?”

“Yeah,” Jace said. “Nate’s a good friend of ours.”

“Is he a—”

“Breedline?” Jace finished Manuel’s sentence before he could get the word out. “Yes. He’s the one that called us. Nate wanted to tell you, but he figured hearing it from Tessa sounded less insane. Plus, he was worried about you since you and Detective Perkins were investigating all those murders.”

“He did the right thing, Manuel,” Tessa said.

Manuel nodded. “Yeah, he did. I’ll have to thank him later.” He let out a deep breath. “Tell me, what’s the name of your band?”
“Chaos,” Jace told him.

“I recall Nate mentioning that name,” Manuel said. “He told us you guys draw in the biggest crowds.”

Jace stepped forward and clapped Manuel on the back. “The man doesn’t lie. We definitely kick some ass. I think you’ll become a fan.”

Manuel smirked and rolled his eyes. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m more of a Frank Sinatra type of guy.  

Jace chuckled. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. Gotta love ‘Ol’ Blue Eyes.’” 

To be continued . . .


Author Notes
NOTE: This is not part of the chapter. A reference for terms and cast of characters, especially for new readers:

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into a wolf. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. Breedline species can shift into their wolf at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans with a bite or scratch like the Lycanthropy myth.
The Breedline gene is passed down to offspring that are born identical twins. Although they live among humans, their species must be kept secret.
In wolf form, they have super-strength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illnesses or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only thing deadly to the species.
All males change into their wolf at the age of eighteen. Females do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE TWINS - Identical twins that are born from either one or both parents of the Breedline species. They have a strong, unbreakable bond from birth, are born with telepathic abilities, and have the power to sense the other's emotions or injuries. In some cases, the bond between twins is so strong that if one dies, the other twin may pass on, especially if they don't have a mate.

BREEDLINE BONDING - The male Breedline spends their life in search of their bonded mate. When the male comes in contact with her, he instantly feels a simultaneous, desirable attraction and she becomes the most important thing in his life. He is there to love, protect, and cherish her until death. Once they are mated, they bond for life. It is possible for them to have more than one mate in their lifespan.

BELOVED - A word used by a Breedline to express the bond to their mate.

DOUBLE BONDED - In some cases, male Breedline twins bond with the same female but one will carry a stronger bond. Usually one of them must sacrifice for the other twin.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of a Covenant, which is only formed with their species. The Covenant is governed and ruled by a head council. The council keeps their laws in order and oversees the species population.

THE BREEDLINE QUEEN - Over centuries, the Breedline Covenant is ruled by a true queen. If there is no queen living, the Covenants are governed by an appointed head council until another one is born. A Breedline queen is born once every one hundred years. Her massive stature, black fur, and red eyes are the queen's trademarks. Her alpha wolf has twice the strength, speed, and size of any Breedline. The queen is expected to rule over all the Breedline Covenants where she will be respected and obeyed by all Breedline. This is their absolute True Law.

THE QUEEN'S RING - This ring has been passed down to all Breedline queens for generations. When the new queen places the ring on, it instantly shifts in size to fit her finger.

TRUE LAW - All Breedline Covenants have an ancient book of laws. If either sex disobeys the Breedline laws, they can be shunned, or no longer protected by their Covenant. If a Breedline takes another life out of revenge, or evil - other than protecting their life, and the life of another - they will never have the ability to shift back into human form and cast out as a rogue wolf.

ROGUE WOLF - A Breedline shunned by their Covenant for taking another life out of revenge or evil and forced to live as a wolf until death without the ability to change into human form again. Some rogue wolves form into packs, which can be dangerous for other Breedline species.

RED (BLOOD) MOON - When the full moon passes through the amber shadow of the earth, producing a midnight eclipse visible across North America. So begins a lunar eclipse tetrad, a series of four consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately six-month intervals. This incredible light beams into the heart of earth's shadow, filling it with a coppery glow and transforming the moon into a great red orb. During this time, all Breedline species that are mated have a strong desire to create an offspring. This is also a time when Breedline females are more fertile for the conception of twins.

CHIANG-SHIH DEMON (Kiang shi, a.k.a. Ramael Arminius) - An ancient demon that inhabits the body of a Breedline fetus before it's born or during a Breedline's death. It continues to take the soul over the natural lifespan of the child, or the deceased Breedline. When the demon possesses a fetus, it breaks the bonding and telepathic abilities of their twin when they are born. If the demon possesses a deceased Breedline's body, it must do so before the soul passes on. If the soul is not intact, the body will soon die.
In most cases, the Chiang-Shih demon will take the life of the other twin, even before their birth. The twin that is born with the demon will bring only evil to whomever they encounter. Their sole purpose is to gain full control of another soul and seek world domination.
There are two ways the demon is cast from the soul it possesses: by its first-born son, and the Angel of Mercy, Zadkiel. The Beast is the only one who can kill a Chiang-Shih demon.

THE BEAST - He is the second born son of the Chiang-Shih demon. When provoked into a rage, he will shift into his Beast instead of his Breedline wolf. The Beast is an enormous, dangerous two-footed creature that has wolf like features. One bite has enough venom to kill the Chiang-Shih demon and leave the soul of the person the demon possessed unharmed.

SHADOW WALKER (a.k.a. Shadow Figure, or Black Mass) - The perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly interpreted by the Breedline as the presence of a malevolent entity. When a Breedline species dies and does not pass on to the other side, they are left to roam the earth as a shadow of themselves - a ghost. They will not pass on until they have settled unfinished business before their death.

ZADKIEL (Tzadqiel, a.k.a. 'Righteousness of God') - The archangel of freedom, benevolence, and mercy, and the patron angel of all who forgives. Breedline species tradition considers him to be the Angel of Mercy.

SUCCUBUS (a.k.a. CREEPERS) - Creatures that search for and feeds off the blood of the Breedline species. Creepers are skilled at extreme sexual pleasure, and the ecstasy they create is exceedingly intense and highly addictive. They cast off a scent that hypnotizes Breedlines into overwhelming sexual urges. They use their human-like bodies and beautiful features to control and influence their thoughts.
They have the ability to reach into the Breedline's mind during sleep, casting a spell of dreams about sexual contact or intercourse. One much less obvious manifestation of Creepers is nightmares - realistic, graphic, terrifying nightmares that rob the Breedline of sleep. Over a period, it can lead to severe fatigue and depression, leaving them emotionally and spiritually drained. Death can occur if they ultimately take over the Breedline's body.

HALF-BREED - This species is born with the genes from both Breedline and succubus. They can bond with either a full-blood Breedline or another half-breed. They cannot change into the Breedline wolf, but they do need blood from them to survive. With the power to hypnotize, most Breedlines have minimal respect and credence toward the half-breed species.

WICCA (or Wise One) - According to the Breedline species, a Wicca is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. A Wicca is also considered to be a demonic spirit. It is unclear to the Breedline if they act under the orders of the devil, or they are simply not understood and treated as outcasts. They can do white magic (good) or dark (evil).

KATAKO (a.k.a. Lucas or Dark Shadow) - He is the Chiang-Shih demon's offspring that is born both Breedline and Wiccan. After one year, the Katako develops into an adult with the mind of a child, without reaching full maturity. It has the power to appear translucent, or become completely invisible. Being born half-Breedline, it can shift into a wolf and transform, or mimic another creature with the power to instantly travel from one place to another. Their true purpose of creation is to bring forth the souls stuck in purgatory by using one drop of its blood. Tessa Fairchild - the Breedline queen - destroyed the Katako in battle using the deadly venom of her Breedline wolf.

GOLEMS (a.k.a. the Death Army) - Evil creatures created by dark Wiccans with the power of necromancy. By releasing the souls of demons stuck in purgatory, the Wicca can give them the ability to shape into a creature that is made from earth. These creatures have various qualities, such as mass strength, enormous stature, and the power to consume their victims by saturating them with mud.

GUARDIANS (a.k.a. Spirits of the Forest) - They originated during the Middle Ages with the purpose of protecting all creatures, especially the Breedline, from the destruction of any creation made by a dark Wicca. They can stay invisible with the power to move through any barrier and over any distance instantly.

THERIOMORPH - This species is born with the genes of a Breedline, but cannot change into a Breedline wolf. They shape shift into an enormous black panther. They possess powers of mind manipulation and random visions of the future. They must use the drug dopamine to suppress their urges. Their eye color shifts into a bright lavender when their Theriomorph nature takes over. The Breedline see them as a threat to their species.

ADALWOLF - A species that has the power to shift from their human form into a beautiful creature, twice the size, resembling half man and half wolf. Born with super-strength, they can move from one place to another in supernatural speed. Their eyes take on the appearance of two shimmering diamonds. With the power to regenerate their own cells, an Adalwolf will stop aging at thirty. The moon has no power over them. An Adalwolf is immune to silver. They can bond with any species.

LUPA - The ancestors descended from the old legend of the lycanthrope, except the moon has no power over them and it cannot be passed on to others like a virus. It is passed on through genetics to the female offspring, known as a she-wolf. This type of creature shape-shifts into a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, and is considered dangerous... cursed.

Steven Pasquale (a.k.a. Steven Craven) - He inherited the genes of a Breedline and an Adalwolf. He was taken from his mother and forced to endure a life of endless, painful experiments by two German physicians, Dr. Hans Autenburg and Dr. Hubert Crane. Without the knowledge of his real family, Steven finally manages to escape his captors, locating his biological parents and his fraternal twin, Tessa Fairchild.

Abbey (a.k.a. Abigail Winthrop) - She inherited the genetics of a Lupa from her mother, who died giving birth. Captured by Dr. Hans Autenburg - a German physician - she spent most of her life forced to endure experiments until she finally managed to escape. With no place to go, Abbey is determined to finally reunite with her beloved Steven after they were separated years ago.

Valkin Steele - He is a wealthy business man who deals with drugs, weapons trade, and underage sex trafficking. He also funded a group of unethical scientists that kidnapped people with special gifts and rarities for research. He is searching for an Adalwolf with the ability to heal his beloved Natasha who is dying of cancer.

Cole Decker - He is known as the best tracker money could buy, hired by Valkin Steele to kidnap Steven Craven for his healing powers. He is also wanted by the FBI for his crimes as a well-known sex offender and sex trafficking young girls from all over the world.

Fredrick Mercier - He is a Breedline and Samuel Mercier's identical twin. Also, he's a council member from France that has secretly turned against the Covenant to help the Chiang-Shih demon.

Corbin Azzo - He is a Breedline and a council member that has turned against the Covenant to help the Chiang-Shih demon.

Jace Chamberlain (a.k.a. the Beast) - He is a Breedline species and later discovers his birth father - who is possessed by the Chiang-Shih demon - murdered his mother when he and his twin brother were four years old. Raised by their new foster family and their Uncle Jacks, he later discovers he was born with a curse of the Beast. With the help of his twin brother, Jem, and his bonded mate, Tessa, they help him cope with his rage to keep the Beast at bay. He's an IT engineer and is the lead singer and plays acoustic guitar in the band Chaos.

Jem Chamberlain (a.k.a. the Chosen Son) - He is a Breedline species and Jace's twin brother. He carries the gene of the Chiang-Shih demon that gives him the power to create a portal and a force of electric energy used as a weapon and other powers he discovers later. His bonded mate is Mia Blackwood. He's an IT engineer and the drummer in the band Chaos.

Tessa Fairchild - She was born into the human world and later discovers she's a Breedline. Abandoned by her parents, she was raised by her aunt and uncle without the knowledge of being born a twin. After she meets Jace, they become bonded mates. During her first change into her Breedline wolf, she became the new Breedline queen. She is an inspiring artist.

Alexander Crest - He is a Breedline who was possessed by the Chiang-Shih demon before birth. Murdering his family, Alexander kidnapped his twin's bonded mate, Katlyn Gray. Keeping her prisoner against her will, she becomes pregnant with his twins. As she managed to escape before she gave birth, Alexander eventually kills her in a fit of rage. Returning for his chosen son twenty-two years later, he is determined to convince him to join his army. After the battle between the Breedline, the demon is finally cast out of Alexander, setting his soul free. For the demon's past crimes, Alexander is pardoned and must reside in the Breedline Covenant. Praying for forgiveness, he reunites with his twin sons, Jace and Jem. As he fights to keep his new family safe, romance blossoms with Dr. Helen Carrington.

Tim Ross - He is a Breedline species and head council of the California Covenant. Angel, his bonded mate - who is a half-breed - has Tim's daughter they named Natalie, after her sister.

Drakon Hexus - He is a Breedline species. At a young age, his first bonded mate was killed by her father. In a rage, he hunts and kills her murderer, breaking the Breedline's True Law. Shunned by his Covenant and forced to live as a rogue wolf, he's promised his humanity back if he joins the Chiang-Shih demon's army. After Drakon discovers the demon's plans to destroy all humans and half-breeds, he betrays him and joins forces with the Breedline. As time passes, he bonds with another mate, Cassie Chamberlain.

Kyle Jones - He is a Breedline species that resides in the California Covenant. Having lost his family to a house fire at childhood, his Uncle Tim Ross has raised him since. Celina Baldolf is his bonded mate. He's a mechanic and also Jace and Jem�?�¢??s close friend, and plays bass in the rock band Chaos.

Casey Barton - He was born of the Breedline species, and lives in the California Covenant. He was adopted by Tim Ross's brother and carries a deep dark secret, afraid to reveal to the Breedline he was born a Theriomorph. He is a clothing model and plays backup bass and keyboards in the band Chaos.

Roman Kincaid - He is an Adalwolf trained in military tactics, hired as a special breed of warriors from Brazil. Hired as a bodyguard for Valkin Steele- a billionaire funding a group of unethical scientists research - he later learns of Steele's underground sex-trafficking and illegal drug and weapons trade, and informs the Breedline Covenant. He also forms a team of Breedline soldiers who work for a private Special Ops group contracted by the military for missions that no one else can or will do to help put an end to Valkin Steele's corrupt organization.

Dr. Helen Carrington - She is a Breedline species and a physician at the California Bates Hospital for both Breedlines and humans. Later, she discovers Jace and Jem carry a gene, possibly used for a cure to stop the aging process in her species. After Alexander's demon is banished, he is pardoned for all past crimes and welcomed into the Breedline Covenant. When he meets Helen, they become bonded mates.

Nathan Gage (a.k.a. Nate) - He is a Breedline and the owner of several upscale night clubs in the largest metropolitan areas of Northern California.

Anna Saeni - She was born with the genetics of a Breedline from her father's side - who died when Anna was a baby -but she does not shift into a wolf. Her human mother, Eliza, raised Sebastian Crow as her own after his biological mother, Sybil and his step-father, William Montgomery, detested him due to Sybil's infidelity. William sent Sebastian's twin brother Thomas to be raised in England with Sybil's sister, and forced his maid Eliza to raise Sebastian. While Anna grew up, she helped her mother raise Sebastian, loving him as a brother. At age fourteen, William molested Anna. After her mother found out, she confronted William and Sybil, but so afraid to lose her family, and her wealthy status, Sybil killed Eliza in cold blood. William sent Anna to live in a women's convent, and forced Sebastian to live in a boarding school for troubled boys for all Breedline.

Zeke Rizzo - He is a Breedline, born with a curse of a sin-eater, and the owner of the Cat Club. When coming in physical contact with another person, he has the power to see inside their past, experiencing their worst memory. A simple handshake seems like nothing to an ordinary person, but to Zeke, it is unbearable. Without the ability to stop it, he is also the worst case of karma. If anyone angers him, an unfortunate accident would fall upon them.

Yelena Smirnov - A full-blooded succubus from Russia. She is in charge of security at the Cat Club. She is bonded to Apollyon, who was taken by the battle angels along with his fraternal twin sisters, Callisto, and Electra.

Breedline Special Ops Team - Colonel Brian Deshazo (a.k.a. Colonel D), Major Paul Wyckoff, (a.k.a. Dark Wraith), Major Joshua Lawson (a.k.a. Kid), Master Sergeant Stephen Virgin (a.k.a. Gunny). They are hired by the Breedline Covenant to help put a stop to Valkin Steele and his corrupt organization.

The Fury - Three fraternal twins created by an evil German scientist named Dr. Hans Autenburg. Using his own DNA, he mixed it with three other species: A Breedline, an Adalwolf, and a powerful Wiccan. He placed three embryos inside the womb of a full-blooded succubus, named Sonya Hothburn. Taken against her will, Sonya was forced by the mad physician into surrogacy. After their birth, she was forbidden to see her children.

All three were created to destroy the Breedline species and dominate the human world. The first born was called Apollyon, meaning 'destroyer' in Greek. It was also the name of the angel-prince of the infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on earth. He has the strength of ten men, and the power to materialize, taking others with him, from one place to another. He can transform into a creature that resembles an Adalwolf, and a vampire-like hybrid. The second born was called Callisto, meaning 'most beautiful.' She has the power of a shield, protecting herself and others from harm. The last child was named Electra, meaning 'the shining one.' She has the power to conduct electricity from her body, using it as a weapon. Inheriting their species instinct and extraordinary power, their thirst to kill became uncontrollable. As they grew up, the Fury became more and more unstable and unruly. With an insatiable hunger for human flesh and unmanageable powers, they became a hindrance to the physician. He had no other choice but to drug and imprison them for all time, each one placed inside a sarcophagus in a state of deep slumber to be forgotten forever until they were set free by their mother.


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