Resolution 2019
Soon the glitter ball will drop at Times Square indicating the time to set a new resolution. Will this goal reach fruition or fall short? Evoking Maslow's theory of self actualization and hierarchy of needs, I find that it is crucial to strive to be the best in 'becoming'.
I must seek first for myself then succeed towards achieving the respect from others I meet during my life's journey. Why then is it so important for me to make a resolution?
I must endeavor to be a better person, spiritually, physically and emotionally.
Setting a goal is vital.
Author Notes
How many times have I set a New Year's goal to only let it fall by the wayside within a week or two. I guess it's part of my human condition. That being said, I still set a new goal every year and this year I am hoping my goal will reach it this time. If not, I will pick myself up, brush myself off and start all over again. One of these days I will succeed. I believe this could be my year. Thanks for reading. Thank you Avmurray for your artwork. Happy New Year! Happy New Beginnings.