"Daddy...why is Mom bigger than me?"
"Same reason why she's bigger than me."
"Mom don't look bigger than you, Daddy."
"Sometimes looks can be deceiving, cup cake."
"What does that mean?"
"Things aren't always the way they look."
"Then,,,Mom don't look bigger than you, but she is?"
"Daddy, my brain is too little.
We'll need to use your Daddy's brain here.
Make me understand what you mean."
"Your mom is the mother in our family.
Mother is always the biggest person in the family."
"Ooooo...I see...I think. Mom's pretty big, huh Daddy?"
"Mother is bigger than the sky."
"Hummm...okay, Daddy...if you say so."
"I do."
"Will I ever get as big as Mom?"
"Then I'll be a big mom too huh, Daddy?
I'll be as big as the sky like Mom."
"I'm looking forward to that, cup cake."
Author Notes
"Hey Mom...guess what Daddy told me today."