- Online Matchby Pamusart
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A couple meets online
Online Match by Pamusart

They thought he was a real good catch.
He met girls through an online match.
His profile sounded very cool.
He'd earned a P.H.D. at school.
Marine biologist he said,
and showed the dolphins that he bred.
His photo showed his smiling face,
while lively dolphins had a race.

It turned out he was full of lies.
'Twas hard to see through his disguise.
At work, he only lent a hand,
and cleaned the tank out on demand.
He fed the dolphins and the whales,
with fish he had inside his pails.
He only had a G.E.D..
Biologist he'd never be.

Dawn liked to cruise the internet.
His profile didn't make her fret.
She picked him out and made a date,
and that was when she sealed her fate.
She read the news the day they met,
but hadn't seen the photo yet.
Police were looking for a man
who killed a girl and quickly ran.

They put his photo on the news.
The part Dawn missed had all the clues.
The scenes contained some trace of brine.
The last dead girl was number nine.
He took them out to dinner then,
and drove them home like other men.
He'd stay there once they got inside,
and wait until the lights had died.

It said one victim had escaped,
even though her hands were taped.
The night was when he killed and maimed,
and set about to play his game.
Dawn's mind returns to present times;
does not connect him to the crimes.
As he and she consume their drinks,
She smells some fish that really stinks.

There's something that has slipped her mind.
She chats with him to help unwind.
They finish dinner 'fore too long,
and don their coats; the wind is strong.
He drives her home and hugs her close.
His fishy smell is really gross.
She goes inside and sees his car,
but it's not driven very far.

He drives and parks just down the street.
She sees him in the driver's seat.
He stays there waiting right outside.
She dims the lights and tries to hide.
Her TV shows the nightly news,
and watching it, her mind's confused.
His face is showing as the man,
who murders girls because he can.

It said the girl who fled his clutch,
had said his smell was way too much.
She said she'd met him while online.
He took her out to drink and dine.
He broke into her house that night,
and tied and gagged her with delight.
She found a way to free one hand;
removed the gag and swiftly ran.

That happened just two days ago.
Now, Dawn's fear begins to grow.
She grabs the phone that's down the hall.
Police are whom she means to call.
She locks herself into her room,
and hopes that they will be here soon.
She also locks the master bath.
Three locks she's put into his path.

She hears the front door lock give way.
She thinks that she might die this day.
She screams but cannot hear the phone.
It's useless; there's no dial tone.
She tries to think what she can do,
to keep her life from being through.
The only window's been nailed shut.
The other women all were cut.

A knife was used to slit each throat.
She swallows hard and writes a note.
She'll try to help before she goes;
to tell police all that she knows.
She hopes and prays that he'll be caught,
before her body starts to rot.


Author Notes
The lesson is to read the whole story in the news when a killer is loose. Also, online dating can be dangerous.

I apologize for the length. But I felt that the entire story had to be told.

Thank you for reading my poem

I found the photo on the internet


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