This picture gives a different view
The tiger doesn't know what to do
With the way the other cat lives
A different view this picture gives
In this match it's Kitty, quick hitter
So Tiger's the one who's the sitter
Fights between cats are never pretty
The quick hitter in this match is Kitty
Out in nature it would be the reverse
Kitty would likely be needing a hearse
Since Tiger is only a stuffed creature
It would be the reverse out in nature
Author Notes
Gif image
The Swap Quatrain was created by Lorraine M. Kanter.
Within the Swap Quatrain each stanza in the poem
must be a quatrain (four lines) where the
first line is reversed in the fourth line.
In addition, line 2 must rhyme with line 1, and line 3
must rhyme with line 4 and so on,
BUT not repeat the same rhyming pattern on subsequent
Rhyming pattern: aabb, ccdd and so on.
Example Poem
Heartfelt (Swap Quatrain)
His clothes did stink, his coat was old
He came inside to leave the cold.
He needed food he needed drink.
His coat was old his clothes did stink.