Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
"Just One and Only One Red Rose"
Written on July 27th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
{A Dedication to Carol}
<><>****<><><>**C. Fan Story 2018**<><><>****<><>
"Along the Side of the Raging River...
"Beside the Rocky Crest...
"Within the Cold, Cold, of 'Wintern's Regrets.'
"A Single, Red, Rose, Plant...
"She's got One, Single, Bloom...
"Only A daughter and no *Son...
"Restricted and left to Her **Doom...
"Along the Cold, Cold, River's Side...
"All broken up ***Inside...
"Stem Blackened in Mask...
"She waits...
"Her Fate...
"And, it won't be Long Now...
"As She Prepares with her...
"Very, Last, Vow...
"Dear Lord,
"I give to Thee All of Me...
"I'm her to meet You...
"My Maker...
"To late to Regret all that I've met...
"All My Pains and Miseries...
"Yes, She suffered so...
"Nobody on this Earth could possibly know...
"This Pain...
"This Immense Pain that will never let Me Go?"
"Along the Side of the Raging River...
"Besides the Rocky Crest...
"Within the Cold, Cold, of 'Wintern's Regret...
"Stem Blackened in Mask...
"No more...
"Too, too, much suffering...
"Her task...
"From all of Her pain of the Past...
"Caught in a Deadly Grasp...
"With in The Mist of the now Springtime Dew...
"A Single, Red, Rose will Arise...
"A Single, Red, Rose...
"Will Renew...
Approximate Word Count:223.
Author Notes
*Son:"Our Son Jason whom passed away March 31st, 2003 from as a result of a Horrible Car accident on march 31st, 2003."
**Doom: "Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky committed 'Self-Medicated Suicide on November 6th, 2003."
***Inside: "Jason is an 'Organ-Tissue Donor."
"And, to learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations...
"Simply contact my, dear, friend, Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
'The Gift of Life!'
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at...
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art, Review, this Amazing as well as, Talented Artist, 'GaliaG.'
"And Her Incredible Picture...
"With Red Roses 2"