Non-Fiction : Unique with Room for Improvement by michaelcahill
![]() Fanstory is a unique website for writers of all skill levels and interests. That is both a wonderful attribute and, at times, a serious drawback. The inclusiveness is attractive, as it is a community anyone can join. On the other hand, the serious writer can feel put upon by those who treat the site as a social gathering point, or a place to pursue a hobby. Indeed, there is often bitterness noted among the membership, attributed to the lack of seriousness on the part of a great many members. On the other side of the coin, there are those who feel attacked and repressed needlessly by those "serious" authors, who feel compelled to demand the same dedication they employ from ALL fellow members.
It should be a given that ALL are welcome here and have equal rights and access to the services available. The fees are the same for everyone. It should also be a given that everyone should be treated with respect, regardless of how they wish to use the site. There are no rules stating a member MUST interact with another member. It's a large landscape here with plenty of room for everyone. Find like-minded folk and engage with them. It's a simple matter to avoid those of different interests. My own story is typical. I've written all my life. I'm a musician and a song writer. I wrote poetry and a story or two as well. However, no one ever read any of it. I found Fanstory on line, as many of us did, and gave it a go. I was terrified to post, as many are. I discovered my superstar status in the outside world didn't hold up here among a conclave of "my own kind". Essentially, I wasn't all that good. I didn't know the first thing about writing. I had "a way with words" and "an imagination". I had "potential". Fortunately, MOST of the folks here are kind and helpful. I'm one who wanted to learn and improve. For those who wish to learn and improve, EVERY resource is available here, professional editors, published authors, experts in every form of writing, you name it, you will be able to find it here, AND you will be able to interact. These are priceless assets unavailable anywhere else with the accessibility you'll find here. Editing services alone cost a fortune. Folks do it for free here. Such is the site in general. Of course, there are details and improvements in the day to day that can be made. The way we treat each other here, in some cases, is abominable. There ARE people who get together behind the scenes and plot against members they are envious of. Rumors and lies are spread. People are undermined. This DOES go on. People are attacked in reviews and in replies to reviews. It's the norm that these attacks are conveniently ignored by the membership as if they didn't read them. I don't fully understand this. I suppose every transgression can't be addressed or we'd be constantly at war with each other. On the other hand, I would never tolerate anyone bad mouthing a friend of mine, or even a stranger in correspondence to me. I'm surprised that anyone else would. I think the site is soft when it comes to bullying and unkind remarks having NOTHING to do with writing. Indeed, there are reviews that fall short of the guidelines set forth by the site that shouldn't be allowed to stand. I'd like to see a stricter adherence to reviewing standards here. We've put up with substandard grab-the -cash-and-run reviewing for far too long. It's an embarrassment to the site, a deterrent to new members and a strong incentive for established members to become frustrated and leave. "Yeah, well the rankings are fixed, man. They're just based on quantity. You can just write a bunch of crap and get to the top. The best writers live in a cave somewhere in Tibet and only write when the Cubs win the World Series." (American Baseball) Here's the truth. Quantity is a factor, sure. However, quantity will NOT get you past the top writers on this site, trust me. In 2014 I was the number 2 author and novelist here. YES, quantity was indeed my ticket to the top. It was quantity to the tune of half a million words. I had to post two fifteen hundred posts a day for a year to garner my little trophies. Hell yes, I EARNED them. The point being, my avalanche of five-star posts weren't enough to knock off the steady stream of exceptional SIX STAR posts of the far superior writers I was chasing. The rankings are great. They get people writing. I, for one, need structure and discipline to keep me on track, and the ratings "game" is just the thing. OF COURSE, there are wonderful writers who aren't highly ranked. Many folks don't have the time or inclination to post every day. NO ONE thinks ONLY the best writers are the ones highly ranked. NO ONE THINKS THAT. Why is it brought up as an issue? You tell me. On the other hand. Your damned right, some of the best writers here ARE ALSO highly ranked. Yep, exceptional, AND prolific. Deal with it. Just to add ... in all my years here, I've NEVER once heard a top ranked writer make mention of their ranking in any way other than to discount it in humility. See? They don't seem to think it's a big deal. They just love to write. I used to make fun of it and it was a running joke that I was ranked ahead of the very people who were TEACHING ME how to write. There are many theories and suggestions we have discussed and proposed over the years. Invariably, they are more complex than what we already have in place. I'm not opposed to improving the game, but I don't have anything to offer. I will offer this, however. There is a preponderance of poets here reflected in the rankings. It is known to be a far more monumental task to receive a poetry trophy than author or novel and certainly script. The time has come to award the top TEN poets with trophies. The membership has expanded for years now. It's time. Awards in general could use an update. I'm pleased the site has chosen to offer the first, second and third place awards as an option in contests. It gives recognition to some excellent work that wasn't recognized before. The winner-take-all option is still there for the brave. I also like the "honorable mentions" in the site contests. Again, recognition in a prestigious contest. It's been broached that we be able to see ALL the entrants in site contests like we do prompts, and member created contests. I repeat that here, understanding it's no doubt a logistical nightmare for the site ... a wish list item, then. I feel I speak for many when I say the POM, SOM and BOM (poem, story and book of the month) competitions should be given greater prominence. Number one is the issue regarding ties. It appears ties are decided by the administrator. Nothing causes more ill will than to tie for one of those honors only to lose based on an arbitrary choice. The membership has VOTED. OUR choice should stand, even a tie. Also, it is a great honor to be voted second or third in one of these contests. They should certainly be awarded a ribbon and recognized. These are far more prestigious placements than a funny animal contest. Most of us are delighted to simply be nominated, let alone receive enough peer support for a placement. For new members, newbies as we like to call them, I suggest a thirty-day breaking-in period to learn reviewing. A newbie can't be expected to hit the ground running with the stars and methods used here for reviewing. My first review was for Brooke Baldwin, arguably one of the finest poets every to grace our site. I gave her a gushing, praise-filled, four-star review. Hey, her pome were gud! How embarrassed was I? Fortunately, she was as gracious as she was talented. I would have DEARLY loved a month to settle in and learn the ropes BEFORE I met Brooke on those terms. I'd recommend only five-star reviews for the first month. Maybe two-weeks is enough. We can discuss. I don't want to over load this with suggestions. One I can offer is this: Let's all leave each other alone. You don't have to like everyone here. Who cares? You don't have to enjoy everything written here. Why review something you don't care for? Why make it a point to attack someone's point of view because you don't agree? That is not a reviewer's job. That is NOT reviewing. Are you here to write or you here to promote your agenda? Anyone is welcome to not like me. So, what? Pass me by. Is there some reason you feel it necessary to discuss it with other members? Why do that to anyone? In general, if it isn't about writing, leave other members alone. It DESTROYS the site. It drives people away. Enough said. I highly recommend this place. It's a dream for a writer who wants to grow and learn. It's a great place to store and organize your writing. It's even a great place to hang out and meet your own kind. Yes, there are some vicious people here who go behind people's backs to undermine them. Talent ALWAYS brings out envy and jealousy. Envy is to be found wherever you go. I can only suggest you try to ignore it and consider the pathetic source from whence it came. THEN consider the overwhelming majority of wonderful people here who will support you one hundred percent. I'm told I'm too wordy. I'm working on it.
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