The fear was unimaginable. I was held captive and I
found absolutely no chance at escape. I was alone in
the room for what seemed like an eternity. I couldn't
move, I was bound to the chair.
How this possibly happened, I had no clue. But there I
was, a prisoner, praying for my own freedom.
After hours of struggling, I just gave up hope. I wasn't getting
free, no matter how hard I fought.
I finally accepted my own fate. I simply could do nothing else, absolutely
nothing, until I finished the piece for this stupid FanStory contest.
Writing Prompt |
In 100 words, or less, write a short story--not necessarily a flash-fiction, though it could be--on the theme/subject/topic of 'prisoner'. It could be literal or metaphoric. |
The Prisoner Contest Winner
Author Notes
Why do I repeatedly hold myself prisoner? Lol.