"Hey, Mom: who am I that you're so mindful of me?"
"Trek through hell; for a heavenly cause;
Because you love me."
So you want to know how, and why you were sent.
Well this is the way, your birthday went.
For the fourth birth plan, on my drawing board.
I requested a son from, Jesus our Lord.
I will send you a jewel, that's what I'll do.
He answered my prayer, and then came you.
"My baby boy, my pride and joy.
It hurts so good, I knew it would."
"Whole bottom sore, had three before.
I want my son, I'm back for more."
"This kid will be smart, he's got a big head.
He'll be a genius, I might be DEAD! OW!"
"It's not as bad as it may seem.
I can't explain it, so I'll just, SCREAM!"
Holler, bellow, cry and shout.
"Okay kid, squeeze your baby butt out."
"I hope this isn't death, and I'm just out of breath.
When the pain went away, I heard somebody say."
"Hey, Mom. I promise to pay you back with, respect, obedience,
and honor for the rest of my life. You are the best mom I could ever have.
You are like this life God gave me. I'll never have but one.
One mom, one life. And I thank our Lord, Jesus, that He blessed me;
with both of these through you, Mom." I'll always love, YOU, my mother."
"I love you too, Son. Now: while I fix your dinner;
you can rake the leaves, mow the lawn, take out the trash, etc."
"I'll be right on it, Mom. If you say's off to work I'll go.
See you at dinner. You're a true winner."
Author Notes
God told me to: "Honor my father and my mother, that my days may be long upon the land which He is giving me." And I will obey Him, and them too.