- A Murder of Parakeetsby Bill Schott
This work has reached the exceptional level
a one-scene script
: A Murder of Parakeets by Bill Schott

The scene opens on an out-of-the-way branch, near a remote part of the small town of Tweet City, U.S. of A. Six parakeets sit on the branch, making plans:

Red: (Spreading his wings out suggesting a need for space) I feel crowded on this branch. It's making me angry.

Orange: (
Looking upward and not at Red) I'm not at all certain you were even invited to this meeting, Red.

Yellow: Please don't start an argument, Tangerine. (
A look of desperation on her face)

Orange: Orange.

Yellow: Yes, that's a funny sound.

Orange: My name is --

Green: (
Innocently smiling) I'm new here. What are we having a meeting about?

Blue: Who cares? Why even have meetings?

Purple: I called this meeting, so let's get started.

Red: I can't hear what Violet is saying.

Orange: If it involved you, someone will inform you later.

Yellow: Purple isn't violent. He simply called the meeting.

Green: I'm new here. I'm Green.

Blue: Why even have meetings?

Red: I never said he was vioLENT. I called him VioLET.

Yellow: His name is neither. He is Purple. A bird's bird. Our leader.

Green: I'm new here. I'm Green.

Purple: I called you together to plan a removal. We are going to eliminate the cat.

Red: Did he say we were going to incriminate Pat?

Green: Who's Pat? I'm new here.

Yellow: He said we're going to get rid of the cat.

Red: The cat's name is Pat?

Orange: (
irritated) Why are you even here? You don't care, you're rude, and you seem to be deaf as well.
Red quickly pecks Orange on the side of the head. She falls backwards and lands quietly in the bushes. There is a rustling in the bushes soon after. )

Yellow: Where is Tangerine?

Blue: Who cares?

Green: Why are we thinking of harming the cat? I'm new here.

Purple: We will need to lure the dumb feline to the street. There, agents from the human sector will spirit him away.

Yellow: Amazing! Brilliant!

Green: Who are these humans? I'm new.

Red: Come down here, Green; I'll clue you in.
Green maneuvers around Yellow)

Yellow: Where is Tangerine?

Blue: She probably got tired of this meeting and went home.

Yellow: To answer Green's question, how are the humans involved?

Red: (
to Green alone) Nice question. That should get a conversation going.
Green  falls off the limb and disappears)

Yellow: Where did Green go?

Red: Who? Green? Was that his name? Isn't he the new guy?

Blue: He must be smarter than us and left early. Why have meetings?

Purple: The humans want the cat gone as much or more than we do.
Yellow maneuvers around Blue to get next to Purple)

Yellow: This is so impressive. You are truly a leader for our times.

Blue: (
to Red) Why do we even care about the cat? He can't get to us.
Red quickly pecks him on the side of the head. He falls to the already rustling bushes.

Yellow: Did Blue leave?

Red: Had a headache.

Purple: This was just an informational meeting, really. I will be luring the creature to the street myself.

Yellow: How may we help?

Purple: I was thinking we could have, as a backup, one of us on the ground pretending to be flightless and stranded there. That might get the cat's attention.
Red suddenly grabs Yellow's right wing. Purple grabs her left wing. Together they break them and let the speechless bird fall to the ground below)

Purple: Well -- that went very well.

Red: Just one more item.

Purple: I thought the plan with the cat was to offer up these others in return for staying away from us?

Red: Right, but he especially wanted you.

Purple: Well, Red. You'll find me a bit more of a challenge than those others.

Red: That's why I got backup. (
fluttering and landing behind Purple was Green)

Green: Hi! I'm new here. (
Green pecks Purple on the side of the head. He falls.)

Red: Now THAT went very well.

Green: When's the next meeting.

Red: Whenever these humans replace their parakeets. This is my regular gig. Me and cat go way back.

Green: Same here. (
Scene ends with Green moving closer to Red.  Lights out.) 

Lights go up a few seconds later.  From a rustling bush a cat steps out with bright RED feathers in its mouth.)


Author Notes
Image from Google

Parakeet World 5


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