"Peaceful Tis this Bliss with Grace"
Written on February 22nd, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
â?? C.FanStory2018â??
"An Angel sleeps below...
"Dreaming of many beautiful things I know."
"Playing quietly, video games on his Xbox 360 and dreaming of a Time...
"When he can finally be...
"With his Uncle *Jason."
"An Angel sleeps below...
"As he rides his Chariot through the Stars...
"Far, far, above...
"Reaching out and touching everyone he meets...
"With his wonderful and perfect Love...
"Touching planets and connecting the Stars...
"A darling of the night...
"That you are...
"An Angel sleeps below...
"Blissful and Peaceful...
"Beautiful Bluen Eyes...
"Oh, how he so lights up...
"That dreary night sky...
"With his Blessed whispered cries...
"An Angel sleeps below...
"Peaceful and blessed with Grace...
"And, as he dreams...
"No secrets will he keep...
"Precious Memories all in place...
Approximate Word Count: 150.
Author Notes
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, Fan Art Review, this amazing and talented artist as well as writer....
"And his incredible picture and beautiful picture...
"An Angel Sleeps Below"