A plea for understanding
Miscellaneous Poems Vol 2
Studmuffin's lament
by CD Richards
It's time, my friends, to set the record straight;
I feel misunderstood and harshly judged.
Life isn't easy for a chick-magnet;
please stop, before my reputation's smudged.
I've always been a hit with women folk.
The men, they all just sigh and curse their luck;
and cringe within their little Prius cars
while I speed past them in my monster truck.
Not ev'ryone is made for pro football;
it takes a lot of strength and skill you know.
I run the hundred in a sub-ten time,
but I won't criticise you if you're slow.
So what if I'm a fireman? Big deal!
Accountants have a place in this world too;
but as you cook the books for those tax cheats,
I'll bet I've saved more peoples' lives than you.
Now, ladies, I'm a fair and honest man;
please don't be suffering from jealous fits.
There's plenty of me left to go around,
just know I love each one of you to bits.
In closing, let me state it plain as day,
I'll leave not one of you upon the shelf.
Don't feel let down you're not the only one;
and please don't criticise my humble self!
Author Notes
Image: By Bbpics (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
For those who have been following my 'potpourri':
I decided to take a break from my book today, as I felt inspired to do a particular offering. Maybe I could say I've been "led"? Writing is certainly much quicker when it just comes flowing out (there's an analogy there somewhere).
I'll try to post two poems tomorrow to catch up, otherwise I'll get hopelessly lost.