"Honey, I confess. It's my fault that you don't know, that I love our kids and you.
It's because of the way that I show, that I sincerely do.
With all my heart I've loved my family all along and still.
I solemnly say to each of you, that I forever will.
Honey, you've opened my eyes. Finally I se
What you meant for me to know when you said to me.
'You're always THERE for us. But you're never HERE, to reap.
All you do is GO to work, come home eat and sleep.'
"But what about my jobs? You know that I've got three."
"And you know you've got three exemptions, two crumb-snatchers plus me."
"But when I come home I'm pooped. Honey, I am tired."
"Then as Daddy Hubby of this household, you've drooped.You're fired."
Mom winked at the kids. They all laughed...except Dad.
He blotted his brow with a napkin...his face looked really sad.
"I've drooped? What about all the times you had a head ache?
"That was during our honeymoon, for calling time out sake.
The meaning of my message to you was, give me a break."
"Speaking of a break, don't fire me give me a break please."
"If you'll take the kids and me to dinner, and not to "Micky D' s.
"Okay. Where ever you guys want to go.
And I'm sorry I don't already know."
"What's more important Daddy Hubby you know that we love you.
And we all know that you, truly love us too."
I feel sorry for the wife and kids who don't have a man so true."
Dad knew that it was true that all the chips were down.
So they went out the door and headed for best place in town.
The kids were not impressed. They said. "Oh, Daddy please.
Let's all climb back in the car...and go to Micky D' s."