Old Leo snoozes on the lawn,
grey snout between his outstretched paws.
Though perked up ears say "I'm alert,"
he's unaware that Summer's gone.
He chose a spot that's in the sun
where bones are warmed and flanks can bake.
A teasing breeze may stir loose fur
but not those dreams wherein he runs.
Too skinny now, just hide and bone.
Four feeble legs bear little weight
and almost jack-knife when he sits.
His haunches quiver till he's prone.
While watching him, I'm sad, withdrawn,
as I, too, creak, my joints all ache.
But unlike him I realize
my youth has fled, that Summer's gone.
Writing Prompt |
Sadness has overcome us all at one time or another. Either caused by a relative or close friend's death or from the girl or guy that broke our heart or just life in general. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. This contest gives us the ability to explore this. Your poem can also play into other emotions that are common to writing like this such as anger or depression. |
Author Notes
The artwork is courtesy of Google images.
This poem is one of a collection of poems titled "Reflections of a Dog Walker." I have posted several about Leo on this site (feel free to browse through my portfolio).
Leo made it through fall, but died three days before last Christmas. He lived 16 1/2 years.