Two skunks stand together near a garden.
Skunk One: What's up, Skank?
Skunk Two: My name is actually Hank.
Skunk One: That's quite interesting, Skank.
Skunk Two: I said --
Skunk One: Hey, look. It's my old pal Skipper.
Another skunk ambles up to where the pair are standing.
Skunk Three: Howdy, Skotty. Who's your friend?
Skunk One: He's Skank.
Skunk Three: Hi, Skank!
Skunk Two: My name is actua --
Skunk Three: No need for formal names, Skank.
Skunk Two: My name is actua --
Skunk One: Hold on! Is that who I think it is?
Another skunk waddles up to where the three are standing.
Skunk One: How's it stinkin', Lincoln?
Skunk Four: It couldn't be better, Cheddar. Who are your friends?
Skunk One: This is Skotty, and this is Skank.
Skunk Four: How's your potty, Skotty? What the 'blank', Skank!
Skunk Two: My name is actua --
Skunk One: So are we ready to devastate this garden? I got dibs on that asparagus.
Skunk Three: I'll be nibbling on the green beans.
Skunk Four: I'll be eatin' cabbages, Savages.
Skunk Two: My name is actually Hank.
The four enter the garden and begin feasting.
Author Notes
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