- Lured Into the Wildby ~Dovey
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Contest Entry: A Story in a Poem
Echoes of Artistry
: Lured Into the Wild by ~Dovey
Share A Story In A Poem contest entry

As sourdoughs do rightly know, the Wild's to be respected;
those who don't heed Alaskan's creed, will find themselves dejected,
or worse off yet, we'd make the bet, that they just might end up dead,
the cheechako just doesn't know, 'til he's bruised, battered or bled.

The winters here should make them fear, they're anything but mild;
but their unrest to pass the test sends them into the wild;
they should be scared they're not prepared, just up for an adventure,
the plans they made weren't best plans laid, to Nature they'll indenture.

As summers go, Alaskans know for gold we wouldn't trade;
but heed the rule, don't be a fool, it ought to be obeyed.
"There are strange things done in the midnight sun," quoted from a Bard;
beneath that bright perpetual light, life still can be quite hard.

Such is the case of the alluring place, the Sushana bus,
it isn't mild out in the wild, so please take advice from us.
This is the tale of a privileged male, just don't be like him;
it can't be good when Hollywood sends people out on a whim.

Lured into the wild, like a child, thought only to be carefree;
abandoning sense and recompense to all society,
for one to thrive, or just survive, Mother Earth demands her dues,
there is no stock to take a walk through woods without proper shoes.

One shouldn't take a book just to look at along the way;
reading the pages only in stages, then to your dismay,
that last legume you did consume brings a slow and certain death,
hence cursing too, that McCandless fool, with your dying breath.

We read the reviews in the daily news of that magic bus,
of those unprepared, yet still they dared, saying, "It just lured us."
We've all agreed as we read there's a price if you try and fail
the errand of fools, just to be cool hiking the Stampede Trail.

Yes, McCandless, on his quest lived footloose and fancy free;
he walked away from work and pay, ditched responsibility.
However, as his last endeavor, it just has to be said;
his philosophy and frivolity left him naught, but dead.

This is no joke, not blowing smoke, it happens every year;
the tourists come in search of some excitement, to feel his fear.
It's also true that they need rescue and some they cannot save;
attempts to cross can cause a loss and a Teklanika grave.

The river can make you quiver, and then, don't forget the bears;
the tundra hikes and mosquito bites are worthy of your prayers.
Though truthfully, I'll admit; if you're fit, I'm sure it's fun,
all Alaskans play, and we're here to say, "Enjoy our midnight sun."

But if you must, and I do trust that you've sworn this trip's for you;
avoid that trail at all avail and stop for an amber brew.
In Healy town the best around will include that magic bus;
so snap a pic, enjoy the flick, and prevent that other fuss.

At the brewery you will see the bus from movie fame;
the food is great and you can celebrate -- no, it won't be lame,
and never from this endeavor have I heard of loss of life;
without fail, perhaps another tale -- but he back talked his wife.

So, pack your phone and friends from home; you can take a selfie, too;
spare yourselves the trail, a tragic tale, and enjoy 49th State Brew.
If chase you must the faerie dust, then please just take a guide,
I'll be impressed at your willingness; and that you saved your hide.

At best, you'll live to tell your kids about your stunning trips;
at worst, you'll be the first of your friends drunk off your lips --
then I'll bet you won't regret a tale of misguided youth,
you'll then be free of tragedy, if not memories uncouth.

As sourdoughs do rightly know, the Wild's to be respected;
those who don't heed Alaskan's creed, will find themselves dejected,
or worse off yet, we'd make the bet, that they just might end up dead,
the cheechako just doesn't know, 'til he's bruised, battered or bled.



Author Notes
The picture was found in a public domain search. The Sushana Bus made famous by the book, "Into the Wild," by John Krakauer and the movie of the same name, directed by Sean Penn.

Sourdough: someone who has lived in Alaska for many years
Cheechako: someone who is brand new to Alaska

The Bard who received a cameo is Robert Service, the quote being from his famous poem, The Cremation of Sam McGee. Check it out here, I strive to emulate his style:


As stated in my poem, every year people come to Alaska to follow in the footsteps of Christopher McCandless, some miserably fail and have to be rescued or lose their lives, as he did.

An excerpt from:
Bus 142, Alaska
Cantwell, Alaska

Once again Chris goes on with his journey, leaving another broken heart on his trail. He finally reaches Alaska, the place where he hopes to find peace and true wilderness. On the way he discovers an abandoned bus with a number 142 on it that he immediately baptises as 'Magic Bus'.

Magic Bus 142 is located on the Stampede Trail in Denali National Park in Alaska. It has now become a famous attraction for hikers from all over the world, especially after the publication of 'Into the Wild' by Jon Krakauer.

The trail is about 30 km (18.6 mi) in total. Please be aware that the Stampede Trail is not easy at all and needs solid hiking experience as well as good gear and preparation. Visit this site for information in case you plan to take the challenge.

Note that Into the Wild was actually not shot on the Stampede Trail because the location of the Magic Bus 142 was too remote. Instead Sean Penn's team built a replica of the bus in the town of Cantwell, about 80 km (50 mi) south of the original.


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