Follows with...
"Among and Within My Heart."
"Just Follow the Stars"
By Ricky 1024
Written on January 2, 2017.
"Way above in a place of...
'Forever Love.'
"I lay and await...
'Your Precious Presence.'
"Each and every day...
"I so miss those times long past ..
"Forever lost...
"Forever past...
"Forever out of my grasp...
"And, I so need...
"To feel thee feel again...
"Your spoken voice...
"You called Me...
"Buddy *Friend."
"Yes Father, I am here and I await...
"A time when again...
"We can be together...
'As Paper to a Pen.'
"So, for now I wonder and wandered...
"In Step...
"For, this is My Purpose...
"For, this is My Quest...
"And, to find where I are...
"Just Follow the Stars...
Author Notes
*Buddy Friend:
"My first poem of hundreds of thousands and what I called my Son Jay...
******"Buddy Friend"*****
By Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
Written on April 14th, 2003.
(SilverTrophy Winner in 2005.)
(A Dedication to Jay's friends)
"I'm not here right now...
"But, I'm not far...
"I'm in a place...
"Not Far...
"As a Star...
"You'll feel this **Place...
"Just take a moment...
"You'll see...
"Then you"all know...
"Just where...
"I'll be...
"The Heart."
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ, Fanstory and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review, and this talented and gifted artist 'cleo85' and her amazing picture...
"American Night."