- Youthful Lustby samandlancelot
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Monorhyme contest
Youthful Lust by samandlancelot
Monorhyme writing prompt entry

Flee from youthful lust
Except my youth is dust
Gone with lifted bust
like stale bread without its crust

Crusty joints grind to rust
Unsteady from a tiny gust
My complaint I think is just
The warning signs you need to trust

So what I mean, and here's the cusp
Youth is a place we must distrust
If you think of aging in disgust
Time will thrust, and you will adjust

Writing Prompt
Write a monorhyme and have fun :)
A Monorhyme is a poem in which all the lines have the same end rhyme.

Example #1:
Late for Class

I realized it was half past four
When I, quite late, ran out the door.
My history class I so abhor,
But I missed two sessions the week before.
I failed a test on ancient lore
And forgot the date of the Second World War.
(Man, my brain was really sore.)
Up the marble stairs I tore,
And slid across a just-mopped floor:
I banged my knee and loudly swore,
To wake -again- at half past four!
These nightmares I can stand no more...

Copyright © 2001 Dendrobia

Author Notes
Thank you, Liilia, for your picture, "Old Woman of Sumatra."


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