Follows with this amazing Story...
"The Spigot that Never Shuts Off!"
"Ice and Salt?"
By Ricky1024
Written on August 24th, 2016 at 2:43PM. EST.
Coming later today
"Hi, and welcome back to FanStorie's...
"Shed More Tears Fairytales and Fables."
"For you whom have never read or reviewed...
(One of these) Ricky writes and I narrate."
"Oh, and me?"
"My name?"
"My name is famous!"
"And, my name is Annie Oakley the...
'Greatest Female Sharp- Shooter this here West of The Mississippi!"
"And welcome!"
"Grab a box of Kleenex by the door."
"You'll need it!"
"And, I will see you at the end for...
'Lesson of the Day!'
"Thanks Annie and let's rock this site!"
"Once Upon a Time in a place that exists...
"Only in My mind...
"There was Table...
"Fit for a King!"
"And on that table...
"Set for a King...
"Was a lonely set of Salt Shakers...
"Named ...
"And Salt was very lonely while His sister Satine was content!"
"But why reviewers?"
"Why wasn't 'SALT' happy and content like Satine?"
"Was He empty?"
"Was He mixed with Pepper?"
"Maybe he fell and hit his head?"
"No, none of these...
"He Was just extremely Lonely!"
"You see...
"Reviewers, the King...
(King Minus) never uses salt, only pepper!"
"One Fine Day I'm the Land of...
"Salt prayed...
"Dear Spice Father,
"I don't Need...
"Yes indeed...
"To live on a table where I am not and never loved...
"And if I may...
"And if I might....
"Get this prayer answered by...
"Today, I would be as happy...
"As Happy Father Spice...
"As I could be....
"So, he waited and waited as the minutes turned into Hours...
"The Hours into Days...
"The Days into Months...
"And, the Months...
"Into Years...
"And many, many, seasons came and past...
"Salt's Giving...
"And many others but...
"All Salt could do was cty....
"Cry Satine Tears for all for...
"All those Waiting Years until
"The storm of 3192...
(They say) was the Worst in a Century! "
"Since the...
'Horrid Wintern Winds' of 2902!"
"And the Kindom was besieged and flooded so bad that' King Minus had to move!"
"And along the way...
Salt' was left behind!"
"But Why?"
"Because during the flood ...
"Salt fell on the floor, was cracked open, and all his salt spilled out!"
"Scream and shout! "
"Dear Father Spice,
"What should I do?"
"Even King Minus could give a damn!"
"What pray again?"
"Father, I have never stopped and what do I get and what have I Got?"
"I should just run away and hide because no one wants a Salt that is...
"Cracked Wide Open!"
"But someone must have been listening from Heaven that day...
"Reviewers here on Fanstory
because, from Above...
"Along came this beautiful Salt Shaker of Love!"
"Hello, and where did you come from and what is your name?"
Asked Salt.
"I just started to pray and...
"Hush little shaker and never you mind, cause..
"My name is 'ICE' and you don't have to pray twice!"
'Father Spice' has this in mind!"
"Just come with me and soon...
"You will see, exactly what must Be!"
"You see reviewers and cow kids at home...
"When 'SALT' fell he broke his head and died but we will never tell cause after Salt and Ice got to Heaven above....
"They married and now sit at 'Father Spices' table!"
The End!
"Annie back...
"I can't...
"From a Lonely Salt to a Cracked, Open, Wide, Salt...
"To a Salt that died...
"The Lesson of the Day is...
"Just Pray!"
"Pray your Heart!"
"Pray twice!"
"Pray all night and day !"
"And, pray to your God and He or She will listen...
"And get...
"The job done!"
"See ya on at the next..." Shed More Tears Fairytales and Fables!:
Author Notes
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist angelina' and her picture "Ice Queen."