Caleb wondered if the woman was screaming or singing.
Having grown up around punk rock parents, the two emotional sounds were not necessarily mutually exclusive.
As his hands tightened around her throat, he began to think she was not so much singing, as imitating a dolphin's laugh.
Her eventual silence and blank stare were indicators that everything would be all right.
I now pronounce you man and wife.
So this is what it was like to be married. A dream come true.
Kiss me, Caleb.
A knock came at the door. It was a group of police officers who had come to throw the happy couple a chivaree.
The sting of the night sticks, rending of clothes, tear gas, tasering, and handcuffing all combined to make Caleb and Mary's ( or was it Molly's? Maggie's?) wedding a day to remember.
Author Notes
Thanks to Renate-Bertodi for use of the art