Follows with another amazing...
"Farirytale and Fable.
"The Diamond, Emerald, and Ruby"
By Ricky1024
Written on July 31st, 2016 5:43 AM
For Kimmie Smrkovsky
"Tis beauty Skin or Gem Deep?"
"Once Upon a...
"Hold dem, der, horses Ricky!"
"And this is Annie's...
"Shed A Tear Fairytale and Kidneys!"
"Annie, Annie, OAKLEY!"
"I,need dyalisis!"
"You have never written a short story let alone a whole book!"
"What grade did you accomplish, Annie?"
"Well Ricky...
"If I recollect...
"Third and most don't gets pass the first!"
"I gradeated!"
"Now Annie will,...
"Read this to all of the Fanstory refusers?"
(As she would say).
"Now where was I?"
"Once and Only Once Upon A Time in rhyme...
"There was a Jewelery store and filled...
"Who could ask for anything..
"And yes, it was filled with Gems!"
"All kinds of GEMS!"
"Hello Mrs. Jones."
"And, what can I do for you today?"
Note- The Jewelry Store is on One Hundred and Thirty Sixth Street in downtown Manhattan."
"The year is 1924 and it is a Saturday with a slight rain...
"Well Mr. Williams, my husband wants me to pick out a Special Gem for our Fifty, Fifth Year Anniversary."
"Oh, I see...
States Mr. Williams.
Meanwhile In the case...
"She's gonna pick me!"
States Miss Ruby.
"No, Me!"
Argues Mr.Emerald.
"Everybody knows that...
"Diamonds are girl'd best Friend!"
Brags Miss Diamond.
"Well Mr. Williams...
"I like the Ruby but my Birth Gem, is Diamond.
" I see and I have a Beauty!"
Answers Mr. Williams.
"Amy I take a picture with my Box cameta?"
Yes Replys Mr. Williams.
The next day...
"Well Mrs. Jones, have you decided?"
"Yes the Five, Carat, Diamond."
.Answers Mrs.Jones.
"You ring size Madam?"
Asks Mr. Williams.
To be continued a little, later.
Author Notes
Special thanks goes out to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ,
Fanstory and Tom Administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing artist 'Ricky 1024 and His picture "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend."