the caress of the silent hand
is gentle and honors us
our fears
have turned to a tickling at the end
of our own probing fingertips
surely we would be admonished
were this wrong
on this precipice high above our homeland
the hand would surely strike us down
to the valley below
were it angered
yet, I feel its force strengthen
even as my desire strengthens for you
you feel it too
it is clear
as we now clinch together
both aware of its new awareness
it whips my back now in slaps
but my passion denies its admonitions
it is true that I care more for you
than the fury of its retribution
in a rage it sweeps us skyward
and its silence becomes a howling
and we join its shrill song
but it is not fear we sing of
in moments we find ourselves
in the valley
the silent hand
once again brushes our cheeks
the myth of the wind
is no myth
Author Notes
Check out the poetry forum for all the other amazing entries and rules and regulations behind our little challenge. YOU are invited. It is mad fun guaranteed. :))
This week's topic: Myth of the Wind
Free Verse
Minimum of 100 words
Pretend you are a member of a primitive tribe at some point in the past. Your people have beliefs and traditions very different from those of other societies around the world. All we want to know is what wind means to you. Give some reasons or examples, as you talk about this invisible yet powerful force of nature.
Suggestions (none required, just ideas to get you started):
In your society, is wind worshipped? Feared?
Does wind have a spirit? A name?
What does it bring to your people?
What stories do you have about its effects?
What myths do you have about its origin?
Please do NOT use myths of known societies, such as Incas, Native Americans, remote tribes of Borneo, etc. Invent your own, and only as regards wind.