"Escape!" the cry rang out, but much too late.
"All hope is lost," read clearly on the wall.
Recov'ry's dream will never be our fate.
The time has passed to heed the urgent call.
Humanity claimed triumphs bold and grand.
Someday, perhaps, our story will unfold.
For surely there's some hint we walked this land.
Is not a single word left to be told?
Now, sit by shaded tree enjoy the breeze.
All seems as though life's fine; why worry so?
Leave well enough alone now, if you please.
Don't spin, you worried few, your tales of woe.
All's hushed--the Earth turns on in endless blight.
Yes, man has gone-- we died without a fight.
Eventually, we will have gone too far
And lost all hope averting climate change.
Response is needed now--set high the bar
To clean our air and oceans. Rearrange
How we consume the fuels that do us harm.
So, sacrificing nature there's no doubt.
For temperatures that rise give great alarm,
Inciting melting ice and global drought.
Now think instead of oceans teeming fish,
And air so clean it doesn't sting your eyes.
Let forest rains return-it is our wish:
Deliverance from man-polluted skies.
And let us all do everything we can
Yes, bring about a better Earth Day plan.
Author Notes
Two views, one more optimistic than the other. Thanks to Gloria for endless patience and help.
This poem is part of a larger project, in which 15 poets are working together to create a Wreath of Sonnets on climate change.
A Wreath of Sonnets is a crown of 14 sonnets, whereas the first lines of each sonnet add up to a 15th sonnet called Master Sonnet or Magistrale, which is ideally acrostic. (That wasn't a requirement in our project.)
Some of us wrote a potential master sonnet - and we decided with an internal blank voting process whose Master Sonnet we would use as a template.
Congratulation to Kiwisteveh for being the author of the winner piece.
Gratitude goes to Leineco for counting our votes (without reading any of the poems.)
Hopefully, we can post our complete wreath in January.
Please check out the other potential Master Sonnets from the following poets:
*Dorothy Fennell
*Kiwisteveh (the winner piece)
*MysticAngel7777 (whose been absent for a while, so she may not post her piece today)
*Rama Devi
Also, we have an honorary master sonnet writer who also created a piece just for fun - without taking part in the contest: