More to come.
<><><><><><>@@@###$$$ 'NO WAY OUT!"$$$###@@@<><><><><><><><><>
*************************************By Ricky 1024*********************************************
Written November 11th, 2015 at 11:55 PM. EST.
"C'mon Brian, slow down!'
"What's wrong, too fast for you Jay?"
"This car was raced at Atco Speedway in Atco New jersey and has a need [indeed} to SPEED!!!"
'Yes, but you are only seventeen with less then three weeks behind it's wheel, your no a Nascar driver, this is not a raceway, nor can you shift it properly!"
"The year then was 2003 {Early March}.
"The scene then was a few weeks before the...
"Brian had been out of control, mentally-ill on a drug called 'Efexor' for an adult let alone a seventeen, year, old child."
"Traveling no less then 80-85 MPH.!"
"He painted the curbs black in his ten block radius from my street Riptide Avenue to his street {two blocks away} on Whitecap."
"Now, hold that thought and the previous one, as I start piecing together this much needed release and true story!"
"Yes Jason?"
"Can I got to my new friends house?"
"What is your new friend's name Jason?"
"It's Brian and I don't know his last name yet, as we met today during lunch recess dad."
"Ok, I can't seem to find any good reason why no but homework first as always Son because you are going to a good college come Heaven or Hell, Jay...
"The year was 2001 and Jason was only seven and Brian Cole six."
"Jason was held back by a stupid kinder-garden teacher named Miss Brown for His supposed 'Speech Impedimate {for state aid!"
"And I would {if I could} shove that IMPEDIMATE up HER *ASS!"
"So, I drove to Whitecap [only two blocks away} and Brian answered the door as he would several times until about eleven years later...
"There was never a parent {in Sight} as they went upstairs."
"And the living room area was always a dark and sunken room?"
"And that was the beginning of the future problem in 2003."
"So, we go back to the previous page and Brian {{eleven years later} was seventeen and Jason{at the time} eighteen with a good head on His shoulders until...
"You see, Brian couldn't shift the Mustang because he used the fathers Automatic transmission in his dad's work van."
"And the creepy thought ago?"
"Remember the house?"
'With no parent?"
The dad was an alcoholic and would die the same year as Jason in 2003!"
"Now, remember when I said 'three weeks?'
"His Mom purchased the Mustang {Jay's black car he bought and was temporarily down}.
"Brain was out of control on a destiny to kill whom ever and himself!"
"In Non-prose...
****************************"Experiment in TERROR!"***************************************
By Ricky 1025.
{A companion poem}
'Brian *Cole is COMING!!!"
"This is the scene...
'Right out of MY FUC**** NIGHTMARE!!!"
"Brian {since junior high} no one wanted to be...
"Around HE!!!"
"A nerd?"
"Out of control?"
"On a suicide mission?'
"Of a 'Suicide CLUB!'
"And now get ready to throw UP!!!"
"No one[let alone anyone} had a clue how sad and bad it was. The mother could have cared less [as an administrator of the high-school} and the Father never had the FUC***time sucking down the booze which=
"I and Jay and my wife and four daughters..
"Are going to LOSE!'
"One lucky fellow Brian?"
"These were 'The Hunger Days!"
"An older sister and a younger brother, Brian was the middle child {and like me] never but an after thought.'
"Craving attention but in a cruel and seemingly 'SADISTIC WAY'...
"Brain was on a course...
{"Of course with} DEATH!'
"You see, Brian was a Sick {and ticking} 'Time BOMB!'
"Dead set on utilizing 'The Killing field' as His and jay's 'last resting place!'
'After three years of crap...
'Brian realized that even though his mother held a high ranking as an administrator handling and juggling over 400 hundred athletes, nothing seemed to make a difference but...
"My understanding {which was anonymous or not} was that athletes was a member of Southern's 'Suicide club!'
'Which let alone was crazy enough but the Number one Member would devious a wicked plan...
'To be continued tomorrow.'