Follows with chapter 11...
"The Only Win tern Flower"
<><><><><><><><><><><>?"Missing You"?<><><><><><><><><><><>
*****************************************By Ricky 1024************************************
Dear Lord in Heaven above,
Written October 6th, 2015
{One week before I was almost killed while riding a bicycle In Manahawkin, NJ}.
"You once told me that you...
"Would always be, but...
"And also you said that you would never go away...
"And always be...
"My *Buddy Friend."
"Forever and ever no matter what we would do then...
"Then My God...
"Why am I missing You?"
"Time has progressed God, I moved on and gave up my job...
"Almost lost the house...
"My life...
"Lost the Son and then...
{A Short time later}
"The wife...
'Why God did...
"Time has progressed and the many seasons and birthdays have come and gone away...
"I tried so hard to realize why...
"And now almost thirteen years later...
"All I do is cry...
"And again want not5 to live...
"But to die...
"There are No Christmas of presents under...
"It is but a fictional tree...
"No stocking hung by a chimney with care...
"No candy of cane..
"Trying so hard to remember my name...
"No ribbons and smiles...
"Forever and forever...
"I just want to run away and DIE..
"What God can I do...
"And why am I...
"Missing You?"
The sun in the sky...
"The clouds above...
"The rivers that flow...
"The raindrops in my eyes...
"An God I do...
"I God I try...
"Try to remember that time in November when You gave me a little baby...
'Try to hard to remember but the good times just blow on by I miss Him then and miss Him...
"Me oh my...
"Try to remember that day in November when soft and glistening trees a candle burning...
"Snowflakes that collide...
"But now...
"I Try Oh God try but...
"There is no more sunshine where I reside...
"Clouds, rivers, raindrops...
"All gone forever...
"Never oh never...
"And Why god him and not me?
"He was so special and one of the few...
"And why God am I missing...
Author Notes
*Buddy Friend- That was my nickname for Jay as we were insuperable.
Jason may have dies almost thirteen years ago...
'But His memory in the three surviving people who cheated death by Jay dieing...
'Life on today.
"To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue donations call 1-800 Donors-1 "The Gift of Life," Philadelphia, PA.
"And tell my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. That Jay said hey...
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His lost So Jesus Christ too, Fan Story, Fan Art Re3view, this artist 'BerryBabe', the picture REO Drummer, and lastly Jason my strength and my will to live on.