Follows with "A Rose in the Springs Dew"
<><><><><><><><><><><>"I Will Always love You"<><><><><><><><><><>
By Ricky 1024
{A Dedication}
As the Sun sets in the evening's glow...
"As the Stars above stood still for You and waited for You to breathe...
"As the Earth relaxes it's tired soul...
"I will always love You so....
"As Time slowly caresses...
"As my 'Saddened Heart' continues but somehow can't start...
"As I search my Mind for a reason to live and go on...
"But I can still to this very day find not a Clue...
"I will always love You...
"And as all of my Depression's and my Pain's continue to fill my Brain and drive me Insane...
"As another year and holiday comes and goes but Your not here...
"And as I wonder when there can be another 'Rose in the Springs Dew'...
"I Will Always and Forever Love *You...
Author Notes
Special thanks goes out first and always to Heavenly Father and His LATE SON Jesus the Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, and my dear friend Lara Moretti.
*You-My Son Jason Richard Smrkovsky who passed away on April 1, 2003 from a massive brain injury due to a car accident.
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and tell my friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life,"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that Jay said Hey!