- Ossity and Tudeby His Grayness
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Ossity and Tude by His Grayness
Artwork by avmurray at

Osity and Tude.....
Are two highly competitive brothers
In the Suffix family that fight for attention
Here are some of their championships:
Curiosity: hath no Patience......
It is the dry, burning thirst of wonder
That shreds the curtains of discovery
To announce the celebrities of knowledge
Animosity: is the dark relentless thief of peace
That ravages the living soul of spiteful minds
It demands payment forever for debts of harm
Encased in sour memory that shall rot in foul and
Hopeless, darkness-driven, blind, and cold consistency
Generosity: is the angel of love that shares with rich gifts
Without concern for loss or discomfort and finds shame in greed
Attitude: is the master of balance that guides the heart and mind
To choose what path the spirit shall follow and what faith shall prevail
Platitude: is the singing recognition of goodness and all good works that
Represents a gift of honor and appreciation, and celebrates high achievement
Servitude: is the mission of giving, caring, hoping, commitment and love to those
Who are needful, to those who may be lifted, and to those who deserved to be served
GRATITUDE: is the winner of all things good, wise, healthy, honorable, and holy, it is UTOPIA
It is the word that always wins in all things in life! Give it a hearty workout everyday of your life!!


Author Notes
I am a passionate sponsor of GRATITUDE as the most bulletproof state of mind that can be achieved. I beseech everyone to give it serious consideration and put it to work in healing tormented souls.


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