- Born Without a Belly Buttonby michaelcahill
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Abecdarian Delight
To Cherish Thorns
: Born Without a Belly Button by michaelcahill
Abecdarian Poem writing prompt entry

Born Without a Belly Button

"Arrested", says the power in the tower.
"Busted", says the cool cat cajoler passing by.
"Caught", says the trout, blameless, no doubt,
 despite the cry of the minnow with the hook through its eye.
"Escape", says the lifelong conniving schemer-dreamer,
"forego the blame and tilt the mirror anew".
Grandiose is the plan to save the world.
Hell on Earth is our potential should the skies
ignite, not in warming, but in a firestorm of proof positive.
Jabberwockies snicker snack in delight on crispy critters
knowing that the irony of myth has brought them to life.
Let the truth remain locked in the frozen tundra.
Millennia will march by before revelation. (they pretend)
No one shouts of doom unless seeking an audience.
Only a soothsayer speaks of "impending"; prophets portend--
Profits? Yes! Let's get back to the matter at hand. 
Quizzical as always, the children ask, "why"?
Response comes with resplendence: "be, Cuzz".
Should success suddenly be cast aside?
Thinking like that is thinking like that thinking.
Universal togetherness categorically identified,
verifiable cautious agendas optimistically shelved,
whateverness in cleverness displayed.
Xenocratic roundtable discussions about to commence!

Yes, a whale is a mammal. But it is certainly confused. No?

Zeus, please bring a little reality to bear…



Writing Prompt
Write an abecdarian poem, using the 26 letters of the alphabet chronologically. An abecedarian poem is a special form of an acrostic poem, in which the initial letters of the words beginning each line or stanza spell out the alphabet in order.

Author Notes

xenocracy : government by a body of foreigners


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