- Up Over Versus Down Under!by Sankey
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Geoffrey's Musings.
: Up Over Versus Down Under! by Sankey

Feeling sorry for all the poor old Americans who are deprived of our wonderful Aussie only MEAT PIES! In my wife's previous (Tootsie55)account on gone for various reasons, we had been writing about our trips around our wonderful country. (Australia.)
First, the Americans thought when we said "pies" we were talking about fruit mince (yuck) pies. OR MINCE MEAT..(still yuck!) pies. I can't remember how the song finishes but I love the old "Football, Meat Pies, Kangaroos and Holden Cars" song. Sadly the cars used to be manufactured here, but now, not so, anymore.

More recently, I have now been Diagnosed Coeliac (Celiac in the USA) so I cannot have these good old pies anymore...being wheat or Gluten filled products.
I was reminded of an American woman in a church here in Australia, one time who was asked by a young Mum (Mom) would she like "a nurse" of her little baby.....a cuddle...this is Australia remember...the woman freaked you know what 'nurse' in Yankee and Rebel land in some cases, means! Sigh!  Much later after I originally wrote this I was reliably informed the term is used for what the young mum intended in parts of Uncle Sam, as well. Good to know.


Author Notes
Pictures are of a pack of our famous Tip Top Big Ben Pies. Still a great taste and usually a good portion of MEAT in them. The other one is of the ingredients in the pies, in case you think they might be Fruit Mince pies, sigh.


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