- Butterfliesby davisr (Rhonda)
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Cadence and C-Daddy prepare to go look for Sarah.
Destiny's Angel
: Butterflies by davisr (Rhonda)
Artwork by MoonWillow at

Cadence and C-Daddy have had a moment to get to know one another as they look through old pictures, and now they are ready to head back into action.

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"Is that what we are?" Cadence asked. "The strong at heart?"

"That or fools," C-Daddy replied. "Only time will tell which, but we have to try; it is the responsibility of all who are good."

"But not everyone does try," Cadence said, "and there are many people out there who are inherently good."

"Yes." C-Daddy nodded, "and that's when the valiant step in. Wait here a moment while I put away my package, and then we will leave."

"Is that what the Serpents want, those pictures you have?"

"No. They have very little use for my pictures except to take something away from me that I treasure. They are after bigger game than that."


New Post:

"Should I just call you Scott?" Cadence asked. "I feel like I'm talking to a rapper or something when I call you C-Daddy.

"Scott," C-Daddy repeated as though saying the name for the first time. "Is that what they said my name was in the office?"

"Yes. Isn't that what it is?"

"Not technically speaking, although it is probably what the judge who put me here said. After all, that's what's on my driver's license."

"I didn't think you had one."

"A name or a driver's license?"

"Actually both, and why did a judge place you here? I thought you were one of the good guys."

"I am one of the good guys," C-Daddy said, "but even good guys hit hard times. The police found me passed out on a park bench one cold winter night. They assumed I was drunk and homeless."

"Were you?"

"That's not important."

C-Daddy put his package back in the closet and closed the door quietly almost as though he was stopping to think about what Cadence had asked. He sighed deeply, letting out years of pent up emotion.

Cadence decided to let the subject drop. It was obvious that he knew more than he was telling, and that his every word to her was guarded. Besides, she thought, the less she knew, the better. It's not like she was planning to marry the guy, she just had to stick with him long enough to save Sarah. If, in the process, they managed to find the package to return to Nick Collins, all the better. She was still curious about his name, though, and figured that was a safer subject.

"So, you didn't answer my question, can I call you Scott?"

"Can I call you Margaret?"

"That's not my name."

"Well, Scott's not mine, either."

"Neither is C-Daddy, I'll wager."

"You're right. You can call me George if you would like."

"Is that your real name?"


"I'll call you C-Daddy, then."

"Ready to go?"

"I guess. Where are we going?"

"To find the twins and their evil sisters."

"In what dark hole will we find them?" Cadence asked.

In her mind, she pictured a cave beneath the city, or in some deep aged forest.

"We will leave the shadows for others to watch," C-Daddy explained,

He grabbed his worn coat and hat, and guided Cadence towards the door.

"These Serpents hide where there is laughter and frivolity. It is light that attracts butterflies, not darkness."

"Butterflies?" Cadence asked.

"Yes, that's one of Bram's symbols and it represents souls. He considers himself to be a collector. Didn't you notice the tattoo on his arm?"

Cadence thought back on her encounter with the man in the hall. She remembered the soft soothing voice that had compelled her to follow. Then the image of the dark man popped into her head, and of the two tattoos on his arms. He had been handsome, to be honest, but conjured up a feeling of great dread. 

"Is that the name of the darker twin?"

"Yes," C-Daddy replied, "well, it's one of his names, anyway."

"Are you serious? What's with you and your friends and names? Can't you just go with the ones your mamas gave you?"

"Way too easy. To learn one's real name is to gain power over them. You should not give it out to just anyone."


Cadence drew the word out carefully for effect. Why must C-Daddy talk in riddles and have such secrets? She had always liked the direct approach; that way there was no misunderstanding. C-Daddy looked over at her and winked reassuringly.

"You'll figure it all out," he said. "For now, try to keep your eyes open, and look to see truth behind deception. Paying attention to details helps, too."

"I did notice the tattoos," Cadence said, "and that one had butterflies. I thought it rather odd for a man. In spite of his alluring voice, he seemed the tough guy type."

"He is tough, make no mistake," C-Daddy said. "I warn you not to take him lightly, or his brother. A man who makes his life's work gathering souls is not one to be trifled with. You had a very close call earlier. Try to resist his charms should you meet up with him or his brother again."

"I'll do my best."

"Good, then let's go."

C-Daddy waved good-bye to the ladies at the front desk as he and Cadence walked by. They waved back, but looked curiously at her. Cadence guessed they hadn't known she was in C-Daddy's room, after all. She wondered if he often had visitors he didn't bother to explain.

On the way to the car, they both fell silent. Cadence mused on the conflicting thoughts and images that intermingled in her head. The calm secure world she had grown to understand and predict had come unglued.

"What was the other tattoo on Bram's arm?" Cadence asked as they climbed into her small car. "It looked like a circle with some other figures inside. I didn't have time to look at it closely. Is that one of the symbols of his gang?"

"No, it's personal. The actual symbol is a circle with two triangles and a cross inside. At the center is the symbol, Theta, or the Greek letter, 'T', for his true name."

"You know his true name?"

C-Daddy paused a minute as he turned the key in the ignition and waited for the engine to fire up. Only then did he turn to Cadence and answer.

"Of course," he replied, "and I know his brother, Henry's real name, too. I plan to use them one day when I'm ready for the axman's final thrust."

"Great, it all comes down to a name, and names seem to fly about around here like those little butterflies on Bram's arm. So, where are we headed?"

"To the light."

Once again, Cadence wished for a larger and stronger vehicle, but, she wondered, would it make any difference if they were in a tank?


Author Notes
Special thanks go out to MoonWillow for: Like a Moth to a Flame

Ongoing Fantasy/Sci Fi story about an inner city teacher, Cadence Uriel, from Baltimore who tries to help her students by chasing after a promised donation to the school's toy drive. Through a series of adventures that ultimately culminate in a showdown of good against evil, Cadence finds more than the donation she had bargained for.

Baltimore .....Setting of most of the story
Ellicott City ..... A quaint shopping district outside Baltimore where part of the story takes place
Benjamin Franklin High School .....School Cadence where Cadence teaches
Destiny's Angel ..... Store in Ellicott City owned by Nick Collins
Time and Time Again ..... Charles' store next door to Destiny's Angel
American Rescue Workers .....Shelter where C-Daddy lives

Serpents ..... Bad Guys made up of gods and humans
Henry/Hypnos .....Twin of Thantos: one of the bad gods - god of hypnosis and sleep
Bram/Thantos ..... Twin of Hypnos: one of the bad gods - god of death
Ares: Evil sister goddess

C-Daddy ..... Homeless man who ends up at the center of the adventure
Nick Collins ..... Mysterious Angel Donor. Owns store, "Destiny's Angel"
Charles ..... Nick's son
Alvin ..... Young man who works at the mall
Barkley: Cab driver

Cadence Uriel ..... 30 year old Chemistry teacher
Shanice ..... Student Council president
Leonardo (Leo) ..... Student Council Vice President
Mia ..... Student Council Secretary
Sarah ..... Student Council Treasurer


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