- Lady Lily and the Wizard 6by w.j.debi
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Story Poem in Trochaic Tetrameter 8/7/8/7/8/7
Lady Lily
: Lady Lily and the Wizard 6 by w.j.debi

Previously--The wicked wizard, Fearsome Joe D'pring has taken over the Kingdom Lore. He changed the King into a dragon and the Queen into a butterfly. Lady Lily transported the King and Queen to Forest Krell for safety. Joe has tracked them down by using a crystal seeing stone given to him by Luke and a battle has ensued.

Lady Lily and the Wizard
Part 6: Finale

Skies were overcast and dreary
and the day felt mighty warm.
Fearsome Joe was laughing madly
as he took his favorite form.
What a whirling wild tornado!
What a vicious spinning storm!

"Curse you, Lily!" cried the wizard.
"And a curse on all of Krell.
And on Lore and all its people.
Yes, on dragon kings as well.
I'll be back to seek my vengeance;
then you'll see a fearsome spell."

Lightning struck; the wild winds faded.
Fearsome Joe was seen no more.
Stunned, the creatures turned to Lily.
"What about the Kingdom Lore?"
"The enchantments can't be broken."
"Without Joe there is no cure."

"Wait, my friends," said Lady Lily.
"True, he's gone, but look around."
Magic flashed; the dragon vanished
and instead Lore's King was found.
Butterflies now fluttered forward,
parting with a rustling sound.

They revealed a smiling figure--
Lore's sweet Queen was also free.
Cheers arose of jubilation.
"Have we won the victory?"
Lily nodded. "Spells were hidden
where the wizard did not see."

"Joe was tricked by magic visions
deep within the crystal stone.
In the realm that Joe has chosen
magic power can't be shown.
Now he's trapped within its borders,
all his spells are overthrown."

Magic creatures hugged each other.
Songs rang out in Forest Krell.
Lore rejoiced at the reunion
of their King and Queen as well.
Luke embraced his Lady Lily.
"Dear, this is your grandest spell."


Battles fought are long forgotten.
Festivals are held each spring,
celebrating life's renewal,
where with joy the minstrels sing
stories fading into fable
of the Fearsome Joe D'pring.

Luke and Lily live together
in the forest they adore.
And the King and Queen are reigning
very well in Kingdom Lore.
Best of all, the magic creatures
dwell in harmony once more.

~The End~


Author Notes
Thank you to Angelheart for the use of "Wee Thoughts"

Trochaic meter is the opposite of iambic meter so the stress is on the first syllable DUM da, DUM da, etc. I also opted to use Catalexis lines on every other line, which means you drop the final unstressed syllable at the end of a line thus giving the 8-7-8-7-8-7 syllable count in this verse.


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