Follows with this next chapter called "The Asp and the Mongoose!"
"The Bear, The Mountain Lion and the Red Wolf!"
By ricky1024
"Once but only once upon a time when words of rhyme were not worth but a dime,...
"When children would not listen...
"There was a bear named...
"Hi ye-all!"
"This is Annie, Oakley again here to help you cow kids and reviewers to understand and to allow you to learn and grow from Ricky's new fable!"
"There are wonderful new as well as old lessons here and I hope you already know them all!"
"Yes, thanks Annie and the bear's name was 'Brute.'
"Brute" was a gentle giant of a bear, a grizzly bear that likes to be licked!"
'And along 'The trail of life' Brute" meets up with two...
"Two highly unusual characters!"
"So, lets begin and learn together from this story and fable...
"The Bear, the Mountain lion, and the Red Wolf!!"
"And besides children not listening to mom and dad or pop and granny, they did not want to go to school!"
{The Golden Rule?"
"Always go each and every day and that way you will be smart some, fine, day!"
{Theology 24.99}
"And these kids were only interested in video games, the computer, fighting with their parents and other bad things!'
"Now 'Brute' got his name from his great, great, grand-pop bear named 'Ulysses' and that bear [believe you me} would never say..
Shi,* of Cra,* either!"
"Now as the story goes and progresses, 'Brute' meets up with a mountain lion named 'Petey' and a red wolf named 'Mikey!'
'Brute' Petey, and Mickey came from broken dens!"
"Petey from Utah and Mikey from Colorado!'
As for 'Brute,' he was an orphan-cub and was bounced around from state to state like a milk crate!"
"And as young cubs and kittens, they learned quickly how to fend for there-selves."
"And kids, the story goes that their souls, and their hearts made for a solid foundation!"
"On that first day that they met, it seemed to be a sure bet and a gift from GOD!"
"Maybe a plan and a helping hand?
"And yes indeed, they traveled along 'the trail of life' and met up to talk about many things from the pollution of earth, lands, and seas by man-kind!"
"The rivers they fished to the air they breathed!"
"Being the oldest, 'Brute' stated that even though an orphan, he found out that he was from a large family but {unlike Mikey and Petty} it was very strict!"
"He did his homework and seldom gave his parents a problem."
"Things {back then} like cell=phones and the internet didn't exist, so they played out side each and every day!"
"I never said a bad thing like cursing and surfing the Internet {with out mom's permission {even if we could!}
"I have heard of surfers at sea and spiders that create webs but that's just to much!" He replied.
"It's called out of hand out of control, out of your mind, unkind, and take it one thing at a time!" Replies Petty.
"Yea, and out of this world!" Added Mikey.
"So, the three decided to stay together in god times and the bad, the best of time and the bad!"
"They stayed together to try and learn as well as understand as the walked 'The Trail of Life.'
"And they tried to learn what went wrong with "The Human Life?"
"So, they stopped in Colorado and Utah and talked to all kinds of creatures.
"They visited mosques and temples, sinagouges, and churches."
"They learned that there was a lacking in church attendance and other things lacking today in religion."
"They aren't learning about the Lord. "Stated Mikey.
"Yes, Mikey and we gotta do something about it before it is too late!" Mentioned Brute"."
"So, the idea was formed and it would be music an unusual be also familiar instrument but would that be enough?"
"The three bought musical instruments and 'Brute' wrote his very, first, song!"
"And he called it "Glory, Glory, the Messiah is Coming Home!"
"And they sung there lungs out until the children responded!"
Soon, church and school attendance increased!"
"Roads and paths littered were clean again!"
"And even the streams they fished in were pure and more clean!"
"Not only were they learning but others gathered too along 'The Trail of Life!'
"The idea was absorbed faster then a sponge as the idea took hold."
"Soon, they had a full band and orchestra and to this very day...
"You can here it at your local church and listen to the hymns played!"
The End.
"Hi ye-all and yes, welcome back to "Shed More Tears Fairy tales and Fables!"
"This is Annie and there were many, many, wonderful lessons from attend church and school to not pollute or spend too much time playing those nasty video games and surfing the net!"
"Worship God each and every day!"
"And always pray and listen to those whom love you and you love too! "
"And I say these things In the "Name of Jesus Christ!"
Annie Oakley.
Author Notes
"Special thanks goes out first and always to Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ, them Fan Story and tom the administrator, and this artist 'Wolfdancer13' and the pica "Midday Snooze"