- Stop Start Changeby Jackarrie
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85 words
Stop Start Change by Jackarrie
Best Advice You've Heard writing prompt entry

When I was having a problem in my place of work, my Dad gave me advice that I have never forgotten. Whenever he had problems he used this principle. (Stop, start, change.)

I stopped inequality, started to work on eliminating the problem, and change automatically happened. I was so pleased that my Dad had introduced me to a simple but effective solution that can apply to 99% of problems. This approach can be used in every walk of life, even in personal relationships. Thanks Dad.

Writing Prompt
Tell some of the most helpful advice or words of wisdom you have heard.
May be serious or funny, or a mixture of both.
100 words or fewer.
No art work.
Word count in description line.
No more than one line of author notes.



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