- A Tryst, Tisk Tiskby michaelcahill
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: A Tryst, Tisk Tisk by michaelcahill
Write a Spenserian Sonnet writing prompt entry

Such nightmares creep from dungeons in my dreams.
My days now pass in darkness shunning sleep.
Fair lady lied; she trapped me with her schemes.
My heart cries mesmerized--despair flows deep.
This castle, once my prize that war did reap,
when glory justified my kingly crown.
My enemies, all gone, no longer creep
to task me while I sleep on quilted down.
But, now this King's become the kingdom's clown,
to roam the streets and bray a minstrels tune.
My lady dances in her bridal gown.
A Queen, she weds--whilst I play the buffoon.
No justice will befall cold Jezebel.
It isn't sin, it's lust that heats up hell!



Writing Prompt
A Spenserian Sonnet was created by Edmund Spenser (1552 - 1599). It is a variation or a Shakespearean sonnet - it has three quatrains and a couplet. But there is a twist where you employ linking rhymes between quatrains. The rhyme scheme is ABAB, BCBC, CDCD, EE - and it is to be written in iambic pentameter.

Author Notes
Always looking to improve. Suggestions welcome.


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