- The LifewasSnatched Out Of My Depth!by Ricky1024
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A poem of my pain.
The LifewasSnatched Out Of My Depth! by Ricky1024
Artwork by corrinas creations at

***********"The Life was Snatched Out Of My Depth!"************
<><><><><>By Dr. Ricky1024 for my love *Theresa<><><><><><>
{A Dedicated Poem and reply for My Late Son
Jason Richard Smrkovshy and Theresa Late Son ***** Bach."}
"The Life within is covered in sin.
"And as I reflect on that fate less of day...
"I Pray...
"I pray for a way to extinguish the "BURNIBG EMBERS!"
"And I pray for a day of peace."
"And I ask You Dear Lord for just a moment or two to reflect upon the day I knew....
"I remember a days in July, so, so, hot!!!
"Sweat running through my eyes!"
"But You God, gave me my first and what a gift!"
Miss Corrine Alexis Smrkovsky!"
"Intelligent, sassy, daffy, and a wit!"
"My 'Triple Major Manhattan Daughter Corrine Alexis!!!
"She keeps me grounded an d she keeps on pushing no matter the order or circumstances!'
"And just a few months later came a day in November!'
I remember and it seems like centuries ago."
"So very long, ago!"
"A day That Jay came to me!"
"I prayed for a Son like Him and God respected me."
"My 'Argonaut', My Basketball winner and star, My Musician and percussionist!"
"And my future auto mechanic, too!"
But unfortunately, Jason will always be stuck in 11th grade, no prom, no graduation, no more music{ he sols His Cd's 'Jason's Hot shit!' for a buck, and no auto mechanic, just a new and better life there while I live my crap life in an everyday panic!'
"And I remember a day in September when God gave to me my last!!!
"Not a Son nor daughter but a Tomboy!
My sweet and beautiful 'Dozier Woozier!"
"Dan Alyse Smrkovsky!" She was born with the cord around her neck{I corrected that fast!} and was supposed to be in the back seat of Jays friend Brian's 'Death car!'
"But Jay said "No way!"
"Ride with you sister Kyle today!"...
"My 'Doozer of Woozer'!
"She fetched my pail, my shovel, and my tomato, too!"
"What would I do without her?"
"She's a carbon copy of her mother Carolyn, a care giver and a fighter to boot!"
"Cute as a button my Doozer Woozer!"
"And a grand son too!"
"And another beautiful Daughter to love and cherish that lasts!!!
"But Sunny days are covered in blackened clouds and my Mind though stable is confused...
"My heart though beating is abused and my soul....
My pitiful soul...
"Is filled with...
Editors note- *Theresa-
Theresa, this will be posted as a dedication to
Your Son and mine..
Thanks for the stars!

Author Notes
"Special thanks goes out first to 'Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, then Fan story and Tom the administrator, Fanart Review and this amazing artist, 'corrinas creations' and the picture 'Death Trap/Eaten alive.'
"And last but not least Theresa Bach a writer here and a co-patriot in grief.


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