Previously--The wicked wizard, Fearsome Joe D'pring, took over the palace of Kingdom Lore. He turned the guards to stone, changed the king into a dragon and the queen into a butterfly. Lady Lily stepped in to save the king and queen by transporting them to an unknown realm. Luke then gave the wicked wizard a crystal stone that allowed Joe to see where Lady Lily had transported them.
Lady Lily and the Wizard
Part 3: The Forest Krell
In a land of pure enchantment
news will spread as fairies fly.
Magic creatures in abundance
came to hear the reasons why
both a dragon king's in danger
and his queenly butterfly.
Soon the King and Queen were hidden
deep within the Forest Krell
with a loyal Lady Lily
working hard to break their spell,
and return them to their kingdom
where they ruled so very well.
But a grim and wicked wizard
sought to keep the spell intact.
He was on his way to find them.
Lady Lily was, in fact,
warning all the magic creatures
to prepare for his attack.
"Fearsome Joe D'pring is coming.
No one knows just when or how."
Suddenly, a dark tornado
whirled right past them with a howl.
Fearsome Joe, he stood there grinning.
"It would seem the time is now.
"I have come to slay a dragon
and to net a butterfly.
Most of all, my Lady Lily,
you will pay because you pry."
Lady Lily smiled so sweetly.
"Joe, I'd like to see you try."
Joe then gathered all his minions,
for he'd brought a teeming horde.
"Follow Luke, my chief adviser."
Luke advanced and drew his sword.
Forest creatures shook their weapons,
then the dragon huffed and roared.
Fearsome Joe began some chanting,
forming clouds to dim the sun.
Magic sparked between his fingers
till a fiery ball was flung.
Lily cast a spell to counter.
Now the battle had begun.
To be continued...