- Halloween How Sankey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Raving poem about the meaninglessness of Life.
Geoffrey's Musings.
: Halloween How obscene. by Sankey

Horror of horrors Halloween again
Everyone wants to spend money again.
Like sheep that are bleating
More tricking and treating
Why can't people have more sense?

It's a marketing ploy
For each girl and boy
Some candy or toy
Their temporary joy.

Before we all know it
Thanksgiving will show it
Then Christmas will snow it
All up in the North Sphere

While here in the South Sphere
There'll be no more great cheer
Just a whole lot of beer
When Christmas gets here.

Life has no more meaning
We're constantly leaning
Towards lots more "Joy"
The whole hoy polloy
Just wants to forget
Why we're here.


Author Notes
Hoy polloy is a slang term meaning whatever you want it to mean. Looks as though StRyCh9's Hubble and bubble Toil and trouble at has gone, sorry.


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