- Lady Lily and the Wizard 2by w.j.debi
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Story Poem in Trochaic Tetrameter 8/7/8/7/8/7
Lady Lily
: Lady Lily and the Wizard 2 by w.j.debi

Previously--The wicked wizard, Fearsome Joe D'pring, took over the palace of Kingdom Lore. He turned the guards to stone, changed the king into a dragon and the queen into a butterfly. Lady Lily stepped in to save the king and queen by transporting them to an unknown realm.

Lady Lily and the Wizard
Part 2: The Crystal Stone

Grim and grumpy, glum and gloomy
was the Fearsome Joe D'pring,
though his subjects bowed before him,
though the people called him king,
though he had a golden sceptre,
crown of jewels and everything,

Still he drummed his fingers fiercely
on the throne of Kingdom Lore.
Nothing pleased this wicked wizard.
Fearsome Joe, he wanted more.
"I must find the Lady Lily,
but just how I am not sure."

While the wizard sat there brooding,
Luke approached the marble throne.
"Pardon me, your Royal Highness,
I have here a crystal stone
which displays all places clearly,
even those from realms unknown.

"You can find both things and people
if you'd care to gaze within.
May I demonstrate it for you?
It is easy to begin."
"Please come closer," Joe commanded,
with a flashing evil grin.

Fearsome Joe, he took the crystal,
held it firmly in his hand,
and the wizard was delighted
that it followed his command.
Then he saw a puzzling vision.
"I don't recognize this land."

Gazing long into the crystal,
Luke spied landmarks he knew well.
"Ah, the King and Queen are hidden
deep within the Forest Krell,
near a place I visit often,
for it's where I used to dwell."

Knowing now where he can find them,
what does Joe intend to do?
Are the King and Queen in danger?
Does our Lily have a clue?
'Twixt this Joe and Lady Lily,
will a battle now ensue?

To be continued...


Author Notes
Thank you to Angelheart for the use of the artwork "Steer Me to Fantasyland"

Trochee meter is the opposite of iambic meter so the stress is on the first syllable. I also used the option of Catalexis lines which drops the final unstressed syllable at the end of the line. In this case that allows the 8-7-8-7-8-7 syllable count.


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