- Dancing in the Devil's Heart by Bicpen
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A Personal Reflection.
: Dancing in the Devil's Heart by Bicpen

Note: 05/08/2014


After years of contemplation over my experience concerning the reference to Dunblane I believe I have had an answer of some considerable significance given to me. It is said in the Holy Bible, “Judgement begins in the House of God." To elaborate on this the idea is when perversion is found in the Church, here on Earth, God's judgement is forced and appropriately ascribed to the said Church.

This judgement then spreads to the wider community of the social environment. In doing so it unfolds its perversion of justice and truth allowing a more than normal evil to reign. When the Old Testament Church, or people, had a form of this judgement within their midst it is said that the Lord put Evil Angels amongst them.

The period of judgement remains so until such a time of repentance, true repentance, is administered within the Church. The Judgement then abates until another such occasion of judgement occurs. Firstly, it is the Church which is judged as it is the place where God dwells. 

This judgement of the Church is most noticeably attributed with perversion of God's authority and division.  In the community of the outer regions of the country evil is given a reign. From the top of society to the very bottom of society everything is tainted.

As a nation Great Britain has been under the grip of a moral and spiritual decline for almost twenty years. This I believe can be attributed to the unrighteous acts which took place in the Covenant Church of Scotland. This occurred in the period of the year ... 1996. It was in this year a notorious Professor, within the said Church, was to be held accountable for sexual misconduct and perverse notions against his Theology. 

He did at first confess to a male colleague of his actions. However, when realising the consequences of discipline he refused to be held accountable thus forcing unjust actions to cover his ill behaviour. This ill behaviour resulted in the division of the Covenant Church of Scotland in the year of 2000.

It is interesting to note the date in which the first recanting of his confession took place, the year of … 1996. This being the same year as the massacre of Dunblane the deadliest mass shooting in British history.

The judgement had already started within the Church at this point with cover up's of immoral behaviour and perversion within the courts of the Church. My own conversion took place towards the end of 1994 and October is the month of that year I am settled on for my walk to Dunblane. 

It would be intresting to note when the first instance of Mr. Macleods affair was first documented which happened in in Australia.  Also it would be good to note the length of time between my walk and the actual time of dealing with his discipline.

I have for the moment settled on eighteen months for the period between my walk and the actual events of Dunblane.  In prophecy I think six months is considered a year or possibly a month is considered a day.  It is also intresting to note that it was sixteen children and one adult including the perpertrator. A DAY OF PROPHECY FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL KILLED WHICH WOULD TOTAL MY EIGHTEEN MONTHS.

I have documented evidence in my private medical notes that suggest I was in Dunblane specifically in the end of the year of 1994. How this piece of evidence came to light will remain a mystery to myself as I repeat I had no personal knowledge of where I was until the actual events in 1996.

Personally I believe my own experience was a counter measure from the Lord to cover the action of judgement which took place in the wider community. This has been deduced by deep contemplation on the matter and revelation from the Holy Spirit. It has been for my own healing concerning my experience with the matter.

As a reminder to the judgement within the Church division was a particular feature. It was concerning not only the body of Christian worshippers but also friendships and families alike. The division left no congregation within the Covenant Church untouched in some measure or degree.

It is also worth noting since the division the Professor concerned has been charged, albeit out with church courts, with no less than twenty counts of heresy.

The Holy Bible states there are to be no more than two counts of heresy. Otherwise the individual concerned is to be admonished and have nothing further to do with the Church. It shows the unsound theological mind of the Professor concerned and his followers at the time, let alone the perverse nature of the individual.

On a personal note as concerning my own feelings on this matter I would like to express what I actually feel about this particular man and some of his followers.

Firstly, you and those concerned with you have no common decency to acknowledge the pain, suffering and hurt you have caused to people on this Island which you call home. You and those concerned with you have completely disregarded any scriptural leadership in your actions concerning the people of the Free Church of Scotland.

Any reference to this man Mr. Donald MacLeod being similar to that of King David is absolutely absurd and dillusional.  King David when he was discovered in his adultery had his whole Kingdom rent apart and lost his son in an act of betrayal towards him.  King David was eventually restored to grace and his son Solomon was the attributing proof of the matter. 

If Mr. Donald MacLeod had done what was right and proper I dare say he also could have been restored to grace but as you can see the facts are here to be believed.

As you pretend somehow everything has been forgotten and forgiven please remember you are a fool.  This is shown especially if you think that my God is ever going to forget the actions you have taken and the consequences that have followed for nigh on fifteen years.

His book of remembrance will have every detail disclosed on the day of Judgement. Whereby I will stand on the right hand and ... you ... on the left hand.

The seriousness of your consequences will attain more credibility when you understand that you … Mr. Donald MacLeod ... are nothing more than a man who has done the utmost to pervert, destroy, and condemn those that stood for righteousness and truth.  

You pursued the actions of legal entanglement, slandering good names and reputations for your petty pride spiritual jealousy and ignorance.

This is what you will remember ... God is true... and you Sir … are nothing more than a lying, cheating, ignorant man.  Your heart is so deceived and full of your own importance you cannot even begin to correct what you have done.

As a final and last pronouncement on this sorry chapter of history ... (HIS-STORY) … because remember it is actual history. YOU SIR are what in the biblical example are A BASTARD AND NOTHING MORE THAN A WHORE ... who like Esau has sold his heritage for a morsel of meat. 

As far as I am concerned you will stand in my mind as the great example of what happens when unrighteous men stand in place of God's throne and denounce everything that is good about the Christian Faith.

Remember ... the time of man is short and we all must pass through the veil into the bar of Christ where only then I hope you realise what you are truly guilty of. God does not forget nor does he always cast aside in the world's fame and fortune, until it is time... and what will you say you did with your time Mr. Donald MacLeod... and men like you... what will you say... I’ll be there to hear it ... and so will my Saviour.

As a final thought on this matter a final curtain to the show I will reveal a very, very, personal piece of information that has always been part of a mystery to myself now making sense. In my first public interview about the matter concerning Dunblane, given in a recalling of my testimony and experience, I remember stating that I met an angel. A signal was given to me at this point.  This signal was to be part of my assurance for the safety of the journey ahead.  

The signal I was given was the name of the Angel involved with my walk at that time.  He was called … Gabriel. He is one of God's Archangels who in the scriptures was the interpreter of God's Prophecy. The Prophet Ezekiel met with him in his visions. Daniel met with him in his interpretations of Prophecy and he announced the birth of our Saviour to His mother here on Earth, Mary. He is also the covenant Angel connected with the Covenant Church. 

To me he... walked with me... on my journey... a prophetic journey. I state God as my only and necessary witness. Id.

I only pray God has rested the souls of those concerned with this story in a peaceful place where I when it is my time can enjoy their fellowship and love. If not ... so be it … and on your head may it rest Mr. Donald MacLeod.

As for the actual perpertrator of the event, he was just a means to an end.

P.S. There was a story I heard in recent years of a young boy who was out playing on his Fathers croft when he met a man.  The man stood beside the boy and told him his name was Gabriel and that in twenty years time, he, Gabriel, would come back to meet the boy. 

Time gathered and the days grew strong for the boy. He had become a fisherman on one of the local boats.  The boat on which the boy, who had now become a man, was serving had a very unfortunate end and tragedy struck.  The boat was lost at sea with all hands-on deck including the young man serving on it.  It happened exactly twenty years later, to the day, from the time when the young man first met Gabriel as a young boy.

My own desire for meeting with Gabriel for a second time is for one last walk this time into eternity.  I believe the normal process is for the angel of death or even Christ Himself to come and claim our souls and usher us into our private judgement before going into our eternal destination.  My desire is to walk through that river of death with an old friend, who better than one who has known the deep spiritual things that I have passed through.  Till we meet again my old friend.


Three important points that make this conclusion relevant and true:

1) The year of 1996 with the connection of recanting and Dunblane.
2) A prophetic walk with a Covenant Angel involving a Covenant Church.
3) A prophetic timeline consisting of a number of victims connecting to the date of commital.


One last observation on the entire matter:

The first recorded article concerning the notorious Professor and his sexual misconduct I could find was dated 1987. The Free Church of Scotland split in the year 2000 and was reconstituted as a covenant church now called The Free Church of Scotland Continuing. This could be thought of  as the new covenant bearer and if you take the years from 1987 to 2000 they are exactly thirteen. The date of the Dunblane massacre was on the thirteenth of March 1996. A day of prophecy for each year, perhaps too much for a mere coincidence. The only unanswered question remains an obvious one why March and not May which is the month of Assembly within the Church? I leave it open for any suggestions.

One of my own suggestions is that it was March the fifteenth 1995 that I was condemned medicaly insane by a muslim psychiatrist at my state mental examination in Inverness after retelling my testimony in part. This Doctor is now clinically insane himself and has been for a number of years. Other than that there seems to be no Free Church of Scotland connection with the month of March unless a commision of Assembly was held concerning information dealing with the notorious Professor. 

Remember this date: March 13th. 1996
(We are linked as children in a circle dancing)


1) March 1995 was the month I was deemed insane. 
2) The 13th day is the thirteen years to return the covenant.
3) 1996 is the year in which the recanting of the proffessor's confession was officialy announced.

(without Mr. Donald MacLeod)

After the tragic events of the Dunblane massacre I have often wondered what my part was worth considering all that has gone before me in this life.  Firstly, I have always wondered about the prophetic element of my walk with God and his angels on that night when I arrived in that small town. 

No one let alone myself expected or suspected such as would follow. The only information I could possibly have revealed at the time would have been the fact that it was Gabriel who walked with me and that the prophetic time line of eighteen months was revealed.

The only information about the small town which I had visited that I could reveal was that some evil was about to befall it but without a name I could never commit to a connection.

I have wondered for twenty and more years about the value of the souls executed that day in the gym and my own understanding tells me the following.

In the good book of the Holy Scriptures the Bible there is reference to the Angel of children being always before his, the Fathers, face.  To me it is a sign that children’s lives are being observed by the angelic host and their deeds being recorded. 

It does not tell me that somehow because of their so-called innocence that they automatically shall be received into heaven.  The truth about acceptance into heaven comes from the doctrine of election.  This doctrine states that we are either chosen or not from before time began and is in no way able to be altered.

The misuse of the doctrine of election gives a false impression that it will be impossible to change from being a sinner to a state of grace. It also gives the false impression that in a believed state of grace we cannot be changed. This is only true in the human perspective of the abuse of the doctrine. 

The doctrine of election is a very powerful tool of the true believer to give a full assurance.  The secret lies with a true conversion of grace.  It is only as a believer can we truly understand the benefit of the doctrine.

There are several things about the doctrine of election that make perfect sense. Such as when we are converted to faith in The Lord Jesus Christ we then have a warrant to believe we have been chosen from all eternity.  It also gives a warrant to bless the children of believing adults.

In this regard where the children have been brought up in the knowledge of the Lord they are sanctified to a degree and protection is given over. It is in the understanding that they are from the womb of a blessed mother or loins of a blessed father. The truth about the choosing of the elect is that it really can only be seen and known by God.

With this understanding we have no room for complacency and are instructed to teach our children the knowledge of God.  Strictly we do not know who is and who is not within the elect as it is only observed by God. Hence the angel of the child always being before the face of God. 

The doctrine of election is an important doctrine with great magnitude and deep consequences.  The scriptural reference for this doctrine is that of Jacob and Esau both brothers and yet it is said by God of Jacob, he whom I have loved, and it is said of Esau, he whom I have hated.

As to the children of Dunblane and their teacher my prayer was directed to protect them from the evil which was to follow.  Though the prayer did not protect physically it may very well have protected inwardly or spiritually. 

They were all alive and well at this point in time and though chosen in the way they met their deaths they were appointed to this end. Perhaps it gives the prayer a more poignant and deeper meaning to which it may at first seem to have.

Abraham once prayed that he may be cast aside so that all of Israel might be saved. He was also told in relation to the seed of Israel or the chosen of God concerning true believers that they would be a number like that of the stars in the heavens.

Though my prayer was specific in whom it was to touch, that being those involved with the tragic events of March the 13th 1996, it does not and cannot change God’s doctrine of election. It does however tell me that something special had to be observed, perhaps they were all part of the elect.  The genuine answer is that we may never know until the great day of Judgement when the truth of the doctrine of election will be revealed.

One thing I can reveal is that I am with no doubt as to the salvation of one girl connected with the incident.  I have already had a revelation as to one child entering glory relating to this incident.  My personal hope is that possibly they will all be there.

I cannot say nor with any real conviction state that. Though I believe with all that happened surrounding this event can wonder whether God had chosen some if not all to election. Hence an elect member of Gods kingdom being called to serve in the way I did.

All I ever needed to know to answer my real question of soul was whether one alone was taken to glory.  This has been answered and the answer was ... yes. This is enough to satisfy me personally that all my own suffering over the matter has been worth it.

From a Soldier of Christ

P.S. The mystery, for me personally, has now been solved. I would like to thank my Heavenly Father and his Angelic hosts for giving me the mind and heart to persevere and finish what he set me out to do.  I hope and pray that it may give understanding and peace, such as has been given to me, to those who read and descern the truth as it is revealed by the Holy Spirit. I thank you Lord and Father in Heaven, and may your peace reign in our hearts, and your name be ever precious to us such as thy dear Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, was to you: and now to us ... "He called a little child to him." 

From a child of God to his Father in Heaven,


Completed: 13/11/2017

" ... we are linked as children in a circle dancing ... "

... we danced with the Devil, Donald, 
and unfortunatley for you, you came off the worst ...


Signed: George Lea Bingham.


One further note of intrest: 27/10/2018

One thing I often meditated on when I was in my early years of Christianity was this, "What would you do for Christ ... given a clear commandement." My answer was I could kill for Christ ... if I had to. 

This was not a light thought or being flipant this was a real soul searched question I had to ask myself.  Now just for a moment imagine what could or might possibly have been an outcome to this Dunblane saga ... There I was all alone with no one to guide me but the Lord and he proved he guided me to all the right places ... now think about it just for a moment ... imagine he had given me the commandement to kill and led me to the house of Thomas Hamilton that night? 

The man would have been dead without commiting the atrocity that he did. I would have been most possibly incarcerated in carstairs as a madman serving a life sentence and being constantly psychologically evaluated to see what went on. Lo and behold no one including myself would have been any the wiser to the real reasoning behind it all.

Sometimes it is best to obey the Lord and stick to his providence as he has ways and means to bend and over rule people if not and these consequences can be far greater. The real reason this did not happen though it was thought about at the time, though without any personal knowledge of the individuals concernen perpertrator or massacre involved, because all I really was aware of was that some evil of some significance was going to come and come it did.

Just a private personal note ... dont ever think lightly about what you are willing to do for the Lord for one day he may call you to actually do it.



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