- Pilgrims: A Cautionary Taleby Dean Kuch
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We knew they would come, we just didn't know why.
Pilgrims: A Cautionary Tale by Dean Kuch


We dubbed them 'Pilgrims'— (fitting name) —

yet no one knew from where they came;

they claimed they came for mankind's good,

they came in May, (we knew they would).

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Their tone was eerie, even strange!

They'd come in peace — (or so they claimed) —

their dying planet burned and scorched,

set mother earth as their main course.

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Imagine our shock and surprise,

an emissary — (with bulbous eyes),

passed right on through the White House walls!

Our poor Prez choked on both his balls.


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“You can't be here, it's just not done,”

The Prez pulled out a loaded gun.

“We came to serve,” the Pilgrim said...

Right then and there, Prez shot him dead...


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It didn't seem to matter much —

(when all was said and done and such) —

they came to serve us, that is true...

with sweet soy sauce and rice fondue!

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Like turkeys, now we're rounded up

and made to watch these Pilgrims sup

a horrid Pilgrim day in May

when we're the special of the day.



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Author Notes
In case you might be wondering where the inspiration for this odd poem came from, well, I'm gonna' tell you, right now. I was watching an old episode of Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone, from the 1962 season and it suddenly hit me. What if this were to happen today? Especially if it happened in the same way it did in that creepy episode. Would we fight back, or simply roll over and take whatever the aliens wished to dish out? You know, a lot like we do with our own government today...

The episode in question that I'm referring to is entitled, To Serve Man. For those of you who aren't all that familiar with the series, I won't give away the story line or the ending. Suffice it to say if you like that sort of thing, the ending will come as a bit of a shock to you. I was nine the first time I saw it and I remembered it scared the socks off of me.

I know it's silly, I realize it is campy, but I hope you have fun with it just the same.

Happy reading, and as always...

Pleasant Screams, heh-heh-heh...


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