- Finding Homeby Idamarty
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Finding Home by Idamarty
Home writing prompt entry

I`ve travelled `round life`s lonely bends,
And run into stone cold dead-ends.
Fallen more times than I can count,
Made silly things seem paramount.

I`ve tasted greed, and even lust,
Looked at myself in just disgust.
I`ve spiralled out of self control,
And bargained with my very soul.

But then one morning I awoke,
And hearkened to the voice that spoke.
It whispered, ``You are loved my child,``
Though tears flowed down, I somehow smiled.

I knew `twas He that died for me,
Whose precious blood had set me free.
But I felt so unworthy, then,
I heard Him softly speak again.

``I`ve walked beside you all this time,
Carried you when you couldn`t climb.
I`ve watched decisions you have made,
And listened when you stopped and prayed.``

On bended knee I cried His name,
Knew life would never be the same.
I felt Him mend my broken heart,
Knew we had never been apart.

``I wanted you to know that I,
Caught ev`ry tear that you did cry,
And that no matter where you roam,
You`re never very far from home.``

Writing Prompt
Write a poem in any style on the theme 'home'.

That's it! No other rules... just stick to the theme!


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