- Mojave's Molten Goldby michaelcahill
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abab 14beats
Mojave's Molten Gold by michaelcahill
ABAB Poetry Contest contest entry

Mojave's Molten Gold

By sunlight slipping, soundless, flying fast inside the cave;
my shadow's laughing ghost smells musty riches, my greed's beau.
Far down the depths, I dive more deep, and seek gold's flowing wave.
There's no rest or stopping, sad canary's wing's drooping low.

Surly Sam a snortin' snarls, dancin' clackety click n' clack.
There's Gnashin' Nate a hissin', his sticky, snotty warning.
Ripe-Rottin' Randy, Festered Fred, they peer; you don't look back.
Expect their wrath if sneaking back with their gold adorning.

This endless cavern greets my ceaseless fall down this abyss.
But, gold's in rivers flowing warmly, waiting for a swim;
no turning back and no regrets, this chance I cannot miss.
I must reach bottom soon, (is this a dream come true or whim?)
Oh, forsaken desert, hellish hot, left somewhere up above.
They think I've long since passed away. I plunge for wealth untold!
So, let them grieve, they'll soon forget. I've no more need of love.
This ghost dives through the fire! I reach Mojave's molten gold.

The metal's soft as I have dreamed, and youth adorns again.
I dance the dance of riches found; the devil takes his toll.
Old Satan frowns, more than before, at one sad-lonely sin.
I'd made the Devil's deal with nothing but my fool's gold soul.



Author Notes
Abab. 14 beats per line. The meter is mixed. The meter is intentionally stumbling in the second stanza to imply a difficult descent at that point as though impeded by obstacles. (or, I couldn't do it any better! hahaha)
The Mojave Desert is the site of many mining claims. There are prospectors out there to this day, panning and digging for gold.
It is said among the old timers that legend holds there is a cave that leads to a river of molten gold that runs beneath the desert. If you find it, you can smell the gold flowing below. All you have to do is dive in and it is all yours. It is a long ways down. It's a dangerous drop and many have died trying. Many think that it's a test of greed and that the Devil waits below.
Of course, some writer probably just made that up...


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